🤗📘👑- Anniversary

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Ship- BokuAkaKage

Setting- Its Bokuto, Akaashi, and Kageyamas one year anniversary

Kageyama Pov

I was watching the clock every few seconds. I couldn't wait for school to be over.

One it was the weekend and two its mine, Bokuto, and Akaashis one year anniversary. I was a little nervous as I didn't know if they were gonna like the gifts I got for both of them.

Once the bell rang I was out of my seat and out of the classroom before anyone else. I grins as I saw Bokuto and Akaashi waiting out of Karasuno.

I ran over to them and hugged them tightly.

"Happy one year" I told the both of them.

Bokuto smiles at me as Akaashi chuckles.

"Come on we have a surprise" Akaashi said making me nod.

"Okay lead the way" I said as I followed them.

We got to my house after ten minutes of walking. I was holding both of their hands with a soft smile on my face.

I opened the door and let them in. We decided to stay in for our anniversary instead of going out to eat.

The dining room and living room were all set up with stuff that we liked. The dining room had food out and ready for us to eat thanks to my mom.

She was really supportive of our relationship and treats Bokuto and Akaashi like her own. I had asked her yesterday if she would he able to make us food as I didnt know how to cook at all.

The living room had blankets and all our favorite movies out. I knew we weren't gonna watch all the movies tonight as there was too many.

"Do you guys like it?" I asked them softly

"I love it. Thank you for all of this" Akaashi said as Bokuto hugged me tightly showing his gratitude.

We went to the table and all sat down. We all talked and laughed as we ate our dinner.

It had been a wild year with them and I couldn't wait to make more memories with them. They made me happy and that's all that matters.

Word Count- 365

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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