🐶👑- You're Dating Who?

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Requested a long time ago by satans_favourite_

Hope you guys enjoy

Ship- KyouKage

Setting- Aoba Johsai have noticed Kyōtani has been acting different snd try to find out why

Kyōtani Pov

I had arrived to practice early for once. Kageyama had been getting on my ass for arriving late or not at all.

Not that I'm changing for him. Obviously not. 

Or maybe I am. Im not too sure.

I opened the door to the gym and began to set up as no was there yet. I hummed to some music I had put on as i set everything up.

I didnt notice the others getting there as they stayed quiet. Probably as to not anger me.

I do have some anger problems. I turned and almost bumped into someone and stopped and frowned.

I looked and saw Oikawa and sighs.

"Great you're here already?" I asked with a huff.

He gasped dramatically. 

"You wound me Mad Dog" he said with a fake pout as I rolled my eyes.

"Good. Now get out of the way"  I said and walked around him as he turned to follow me.

"What are you doing?" he asked even if he knew what I was doing.

I sighed and turned to him.

 "Setting up. What does it look like im doing?" I asked as I looked at Oikawa.

"Well you never come early nor help set up. Just wondering whats going on" He said softly as if there was something wrong.

I scoffed and glared at him.

"Theres nothing wrong. Shut up" I muttered and went to continue setting up.

Practice went as smoothly as it could as everyone seemed to think something was wrong. Which there is nothing wrong but they dont seem to get that.

During the break my phone went off and I went over to it and everyone looked over. It surprised me so I blushed a bit and went over to my bag quickly.

I picked up.

"Why are you calling me? I told you I had practice" I said softly as I had my back turned to the team.

"I know but i forgot what your favorite ice cream was" I heard Kageyamas voice as he was walking.

I chuckled and had a soft smile went onto my face.

"I told you to just get chocolate" I said.

"But you dont like chocolate that much. Just tell me!" Kageyama said with a laugh.

"Fine fine. I like Cookies and Cream.  I dont know how you forgot this" I said.

"Dont question it but thank you. I'll see you later. I love you" he said happily.

"Okay... I love you too" I said quietly into the phone but I knew everyone heard it as the gym was really quiet.

I hung up and turned to the team to looking at me with shocked faces.

"What!?" I asked harshly making the team jump.

"Who was that?" Iwaizumi asked as he crossed his arms.

"Why does that matter?" I asked with a frown.

" We just want to know" Oikawa said making me sigh.

"Fine it was Kageyama" I said finally with blush on my cheeks.

"Oh Kageyama. How is he? Wait why are you blushing?" Oikawa asked as he came up to me.

"Im not!" I said and huffed.

"Uh sure you arent" He said and raised an eyebrow at me.

I turned and looked away but could still feel him staring at me.

"Hes my boyfriend.. thats why I am blushing" I muttered so only Oikawa would hear.

Oikawa pauses and scans my face to see if I was lying.

"Youre dating Kageyama?" He asked loudly.

"Wait... youre dating who!?" Yahaba asked.

'Just Great' I thought as I looked at Oikawa with a glare.

Word Count- 585

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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