📘💻👑- Breakfast

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I made a short story for my Gothic Literature class would you guys want to read it?

Also not me having SAT tommorow


Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- AkaKenKage

Setting- Akaashi, Kenma, and Kageyama all enjoy breakfast together

3rd Person Pov

Kenma was the first one to wake up which was unusual for him. Usually he was the last one awake.

He got up and decided that he would make breakfast. It wasn't common for to make breakfast but he was in a good mood.

He got downstairs and looked around for food to make. He soon decided on just eggs and sausage.

(Sorry for people who like bacon but I hate it soooo)

He hummed to a song in his head as he began cooking. Soon he felt arms around his waist and knew it was Akaashi.

"Hey Kenma" Akaashi said softly.

"Morning Keiji" he said back as he smiled.

"Eggs and sausage?" Akaashi asked as he moved to get coffee going.

Kenma nods as he checked on the sausage.

"Yup hopefully both you and Tobio like it" he said.

Akaashi looked over and grins.

"Of course we will. We treasure your cooking" he said as he got three mugs out.

Each of them like their coffee differently and Akaashi had memorized it. Kageyama soon came down rubbing his eyes.

Akaashi looked over and once Kageyama came over he handed him a mug.

"Thanks" he mumbled as he drank some of the coffee.

"Youre welcome" Akaashi said as he began setting the table.

Kageyama went to go sit down and waited as Kenma finished cooking. He brought the food to the table and Akaashi and Kenma both sat down.

They all got food and began talking to one another.

"Kuroo and Tsukishima wants to hang out this weekend. Along with Bokuto" Akaashi said as he looked at both his boyfriends.

Kenma shrugged.

"Its whatever you guys wanna do. I don't care" he said

"It would be good to see them again. Tell them we will hang out" Kageyama said as Akaashi nodded.

"I will after breakfast" he said as Kenma and Kageyama nodded.

They went back to eating and talking once and awhile. They all thought one thing once breakfast had been eaten.

'Nothing is better than this' they thought.

Word Count- 380

Hope you guys enjoy this

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