🍠👑- Ice Cream

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This totally isn't because I was eating ice cream as I lay in bed with a swollen knee ✌

Anyway enjoy

Ship- YamaYama

Setting- Yamaguchi and Kageyama go on a date after school

Kageyama Pov

The final bell finally rung and I began packing up. I put my backpack on and looked over to see Hinata.

"Hey Kageyama! Wanna hang out with the team?" He asked excitedly.

I looked to the side and sighed.

"I would but I got a date" I said as I looked back at Hinata. "Sorry"

Hinata shakes his head.

"No its okay. Go enjoy your date. Better tell me everything later though" he said making me chuckle.

"Of course. See you later" I said and began to walk out of the classroom.

I exited the class and walked a little bit and waited for Yamaguchi to catch up. I looked to the side and noticed him and began walking a bit faster.

I couldn't wait anymore and began holding Yamaguchis hand. We hadn't be able to hang out as we had been so busy with school and practice.

Soon we left the school and began walking to the park that was close to the school. It was the place that Yamaguchi had asked me out at.

It honeslty was the best day of my life. Even if the whole didn't know but we do hang out.

Yamaguchi is just someone that understands me. We soon got to the park and began walking through it.

Soon we just sat on a bench and just enjoyed the breeze together. I leaned my head against his shoulder a bit.

"This is nice" I said as I hum

Yamaguchi nods as he wrapped his arn around me hesitantly.

"Yeah it is" he said.

We stayed like for a while before he got up.

"Ill be right back" he said.

I just nodded and went on my phone as I waited. Yamaguchi came back and I looked up and smiled.

He was carrying two ice cream cones.

"You didn't have to get us ice cream Yamaguchi" I said as I took one.

"I know but I wanted to" he said as he sat back down.

I just hummed and began to eat the ice cream.

"How do you do that?" Yamaguchi asked.

I looked at him.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Youre literally biting your ice cream" he said.

"Oh I don't know. I've always done that" I said as I shrugged and contuined eating.

Yamaguchi just chuckles and goes back to eating his ice cream. Once we were both done with our ice cream we decided to head back to the dorms.

This date was definitely one of my favorites.

Word Count- 455

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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