😷👑 ◇ I Want You

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This ship was requested by JH100609o

Ship- SakuKage

Setting- Sakusa had just moved in with Kageyama so he wasn't as lonely in a empty house

Kageyama Pov

Earlier today Sakusa had moved in with me. Currently hes out getting groceries even if I had offered to go instead.

I was getting our room together and cleaning it as we had made a mess earlier with all of Sakusa's boxes.

I had gotten most of it cleaned when I heard the front door open.

"Im home Kags" I heard Sakusa call out.

I headed out to the living room and smiles a little "Get everything?" I asked

Sakusa nods as he set all the bags down "I did" he said as he began putting stuff away.

I helped him and hums softly as I noticed Sakusa was being quieter than normal.

"Something wrong?" I asked as he looked over at me signs

"Yeah I am" he said quietly as I frowned a little.

"Kiyoomi whats wrong?" I asked him again. He looked away for a few minutes.

"Someone, I guess from your school, came up to me and just began trash talking you and telling me that I dont deserve you" he said as I looked at him.

"Kiyoomi you do deserve me" I said as I hugged him gently.

Surprisingly he hugged me back and held onto me.

"Its okay Kiyoomi. I'm here." I said softly as I ran fingers through his hair.

He slowly calmed down before looking at me.

"Thanks Tobio" he said softly.

"You're welcome Kiyoomi" I said back as we kissed softly.

"Guess what Kiyoomi" I said as he looked at him.

"Hmm?" he asked softly.

"I want only you okay?" I said as he smiled.

"And I only want you to" he said back.

"Now do you wanna go relax on the couch before we have to cook dinner?" I asked as he nods.

We both headed to the couch and sat down next to each other. I turned on the tv and put on a movie.

Kiyoomi cuddles against me and I wrapped my arm around him and watched the movie.

After the movie and the little the nap we had gotten up and went to the kitchen.

"What did you get for dinner?" I asked as I looked through the cabinets.

"I got stuff for spaghetti " he said as I smiled.

We worked together to make the spaghetti and soon were sitting down at the dining table and eating.

I had finished after some time, but Kiyoomi was still eating.

I reached over and held his hand and he smiles at me.

'You're the only one for me' I thought as I smiled at Kiyoomi.

Word Count- 454

Hope you guys liked this

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