😤👑 ◇ All I Wished For

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This ship was requested by officialinuoka
and thank you for over 300 reads

Ship- SugaKage

Setting-  The first years are now third years and Sugawara and Kageyama have been dating for a year

Kageyama Pov

Practice had just ended and we all were in the club room changing. A lot has changed since first year. As a couple of couples have come about.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi and Hinata and Yachi have started dating.

They all assume that I dont have anyone, but really they haven't even asked me.

I do feel like I am fifth wheel when we all are hanging out, but it cant really be helped.

Sugawara and I started dating in my second year and I couldnt be more happy.

We didn't tell everyone just the people that ask.

As it really isn't anyone's business on who I'm dating unless they ask.

I soon got home and headed to my room as I was already used to the house being empty.

I set my bag down near my desk and set up my laptop and got my school work out.

I logged onto my laptop and waited for Sugawara call me, so I started some of my work.

About thirty minutes into the work I heard the ringing of the call and accepted it.

"Hey babe" Suga said as he smiled at me making me blush and smile back.

"Hi Suga" I said as I tried to hide the blush, but failed as Sugawara had already seen it.

"Still blushing I see" he teased making me huff a little. "Kidding kidding dont get all pouty on me"

"I'm not pouty" I said back as I looked at him.

When I looked at Sugawara I couldnt believe that he was dating me. He had grown out his hair and he looked so handsome. His face was more defind now and his stlye in clothing has changed. I still loved his style and he has influenced my style to.

"Tobio?" Suga asked as I snapped back to reality

"Huh? What sorry say it again" I said as Sugawara chuckled.

"I didn't say anything. You've been spaced out for a few minutes" he said as I sign a little but nod.

"Sorry was just thinking" I said as he nods.

"What about?" he asked softly as I looked away from the screen.

"Why are you dating me Suga?" I asked softly and he almost didnt catch it.

"Because I love you Tobio" he said as I shake my head.

"Suga what is there to love about me? I'm just self centered king who doesnt care about anyone" I said as I gripped my hair. Which ruined the curling I did to my hair this morning, but I couldn't care less.

"Tobio you have changed since then. I love you for your personality, your jokes even if you dont think they're good. You've changed so much since first year and I'm proud of you." he said as tears fell down my face.

"I love you to Koshi" I whispered as Suga gasped softly . I hadnt said 'I love you' yet, but Koshi had been patient with me and waiting for me to say it even if we have been dating for little over a year now.

I never stopped him from saying it and I showed him how much I loved him. I sent him sweet messages on our anniversary or his birthday, sent him flowers, etc.

More tears fell down my face as I looked at Koshi.

"Are you sure you're proud of me Koshi?" I asked

"One hundred percent Tobio" he said back making me smile. "Now get your work done" he said as he started doing his work.

We both worked on our school work together and now and then we would take breaks or he would help me with my work.

"Hinata has been getting so good like he can-" I cut off what I was saying as I looked over and saw Koshi sleeping.

I smiled as I turned my laptop and put everything away and plugged my laptop in.

I climbed into bed and just fell asleep peacefully with Koshi still on call with me.

Word Count- 700

Hope you guys enjoyed this and if you have any requests please comment them.

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