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Hey guys.

Its been awhile and I just wanted to thank yall for reading these oneshots. I'm glad that you all enjoyed them and never in a million years did I think that so many people would read them and enjoy them.

But I do have to say that I'm going to be putting this book on complete. I'm not into haikyuu as much as I was when I made this oneshot book. I still love the anime but my taste have changed since then.

I will also be completing my Bakugou oneshot book too.

Some good news is that I'm making another fanfiction and I have published it if you guys want to go check it out. Its called: The Boys Forgotten Past Life.

Its kinda of a weird ass crossover but its fine.

Anyway I hope you guys have a good day/night and thank you again for reading either just this oneshot book or both.

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