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This chapter contains nonbinary Kageyama
Hope you guys enjoy

Ship- IwaKage

Setting- Kageyama is working at his job when Iwaizumi enters

Kageyama Pov

I was working at my job and minding my own business.

"Yeah he's over there" I heard one of my coworkers say making me sign.

"Them" I heard my boyfriend say.

I smiled as I looked over and saw Iwaizumi.

"Whatever" my coworker said and went back to their job.

Iwaizumi walked over to me with a small smile on his face.

"Hey" he said as he gave me a quick kiss.

"Hey Iwa my shift is about to finish up" I said after he kissed me quickly.

Iwaizumi nods and goes to sit at a table.

I contiuned cleaning up before my shifted ended.

I went over to the table Iwaizumi was at.

I found the table empty and saw Iwaizumi talking with the manager.

"Thank and ill be here tommorow then" he said as the manager nods.

"What was that about Iwa?" I asked him as I walked to him.

"Oh I got a job here" he said.

"Thats good." I said as we began walking out.

"Yeah there he is" My coworker said as they pointed at me.

I winced at little and curled in to myself.

I could feel Iwaizumis rage and held his hand.

"Iwa no" I said but he shakes his head.

"They" Iwaizumi said loudly making my coworker look over.

"Hes a boy" They said to Iwaizumi and he frowned.

Before I knew it Iwaizumi had punched them.

I gasps and ran over.

"Iwa no come on its fine" I said as I pulled him back.

"Come on lets go" I said quietly as I dragged Iwaizumi away.

We walked back to my house quietly.

I opened the door and let Iwaizumi in before I walked in.

"Sorry about them Iwa" I said softly as I closed the door.

"No you shouldn't say sorry for someone misgendering you" Iwa said in rage still.

"Iwa calm down" I said as I sat down on the couch.

"I know I'm sorry " he said as he sat next to me.

I cuddled into him and signed softly.

I felt Iwaizumi kiss my forehead before he whispered.

"Get some sleep"

I nodded and closed my eyes and soon was asleep.

Word Count- 394

Hope you guys like this

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