🍞👑 ◇ Lifetime

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This was requested by KagsBigDEnergy
Hope you guys enjoy

Setting- Oikawa and Kageyama have been dating and no one knows it

Kageyama Pov

I watched Oikawa as he made us dinner. It was our fifth anniversary and he was spoiling me.

I also spoiled him but he was going overboard. I didnt mind as I thought it was cute.

"Dinner is served" he said as he placed the food on the table.

"It looks amazing as always Toru" I said as he chuckles as he sits down.

We both put food onto our plate and mostly ate in silence. Once we got closer to finishing our food we started talking.

I helped Oikawa with cleaning up the kitchen and putting dishes in the dishwasher.

"Come here Tobio" he said as he beckoned me to our balcony.

"Youre not gonna kill me are you Toru?" I asked jokingly.

Oikawa just chuckles as I follow him to the balcony. I was confused but closed our balcony door and looked back at Oikawa.

"What are we doing out here Toru?" I asked as Oikawa just hummed and didn't answer me.

He then got onto one knee and my eyes widen.

"Toru what are you doing?" I asked as tears began to weld up in my eyes.

Oikawa looks up at me and brings out a tiny ring box.

"Tobio for as long as we have been together i knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. So will you spend a lifetime with me?" He asked as tears ran down my face and welded up in his eyes.

"Yes of course Toru" I said as he put the ring onto my finger.

He then stood up and wrapped his arms around me. He leaned his forehead against mine.

"I would spend ten lifetimes with you Toru" I whispered softly to him.

Toru chuckles softly as he grins. "Thats a long time Tobio" he said softly.

"Im willing to risk that" I said as we softly kissed.

Word Count- 340

Hope you guys liked this.

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