🐝👑- Late Night Calls

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Ship- AtsuKage

Setting- Atsumu and Kageyama fall asleep on video call together

Kageyama Pov

I had just gotten home and set all my stuff down in my room. I got all my homework out and sat down at my desk.

I was getting through my homework pretty easily as I was much smarter than what the team thought. I just didn't do well on tests is all.

My headphones were in as I was using my laptop for music as my phone had died at practice. It was currently charging and since it had died I didn't know that Atsumu was texting me.

I flinched as the ringing sound of someone calling me came through my headphones. I looked up and smiles as I pressed accept on my laptop.

"Hey Atsu" I said softly

He just looked at me with a pout.

"Whats wrong?" I asked with a frown.

"You didn't answer me" he said as he contuined to pout.

I tilted my head before nodding.

"My phone died and it's charging silly so i didn't get them. Who knew you would be this clingy?" I said with a chuckle as Atsumu gasps.

"Im not clingy!" He said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Before either of us said anything Osamu entered his room.

"Yeah you are" he said simply before leaving.

Atsumu looked between his brother and me.

"Betrayed by both of you. I can't believe it" he said over dramatically.

I just laughed as I heard him.

"Sucks to suck" I said with a shrug.

Soon we both were doing our homework after Atsumu got over what had just happened. Atsumu helped me with some stuff that I struggled on.

I helped him with English as I was mostly fluent. The rest if the time afterward we spent just talking and annoying Osamu.

It was pretty fun and we both fell asleep that night with smiles on out faces

Word Count- 330

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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