😐👑- You Cant Have a Boyfriend- Pt2

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Here is part 2


Ship- UshiKage

Setting- Ushijima is finally meeting Kageyamas parents

Kageyama Pov

It had been a few weeks since Kiyoko had spilled that I had a boyfriend. Today was the day that he meets my parents.

I'm nervous and excited because I know Haru will love him I just don't know about Daisuke. It's hard to tell with him who he will like and who he won't.

I was pacing in the living room waiting for Ushijima to get here. I know he will be on time or a little bit early.

Soon the bell rang and I went to open it. I smiled once I saw Ushijima.

"Come in" I said as I stepped to the side.

He came in and took his shoes off.

"Thank you for having me Tobio" he said as he gave me a quick kiss.

I nodded.

"Come meet my parents" I said and took his hand.

Haru was cooking so I didn't bother him yet. I went to the dining room and found Daisuke.

"Dad" I said and he looked up. "This is Ushijima. Wakatoshi this is my dad"

Ushijima went over and shook hands with my dad.

"Its nice to finally meet you sir" he said politely as Daisuke nods.

"Its nice to meet you to. Play volleyball to?" He asked.

"I do but for a different school" he repainted before Haru came out.

He gasps and came over to us.

"Is this your boyfriend?" He asked as he gave Ushijima a hug.

He hugged Haru back and looked at me. I just shrugged and smirked before looking at Haru.

"Yes this is Ushijima mom. Wakatoshi this is my mom" I said with a smile.

"Its a nice to meet you to" he said as Haru pulled away.

"Its wonderful to meet you but I have to get back to cooking. I'll talk with you more at dinner" he said excitedly before going back to the kitchen.

Daisuke shook his head and chuckles at Haru.

"He does love cooking and talking" he muttered.

(I honestly don't know if Haru is like that so don't come at me. I haven't watched the anime)

Dinner was soon ready and we all were sitting down and putting g food onto our plates.

"I heard you pkay volleyball. What school do you play for?" Haru asked

"I play for Shirtorizawa" he said as he began eating.

Haru nods and we began eating.

"This is wonderful. You have an amazing talent" Ushijima commented once most of us were done eating.

"Oh thank you. Years and years of experience and taking care of Tobio. He's so picky" he said making me blush.

"Im not that picky" I muttered as I finished my food.

"Really becuase out of everything you only ate two things" Daisuke said suddenly.

"Okay maybe I am but you guys still love me" I said as they all chuckled.

"That we do" Daisuke said.

Soon Ushijima and I were putting everything away and cleaning the dishes. I was humming softly to some music that was playing.

"Did you have a good time?" I asked.

"I had an amazing time Tobio" he said with a soft smile.

"Im glad" I said as we finished up.

Ushijima had to go right after because he had to get back to Shirtorizawa. I waved bye to him before closing the door.

"I like him" Daisuke spoke up making me jump.

I turned around to look at him.

"Really?" I asked.

He nods and I smiled.

"Hes good for you" he said before kissing my forehead. "Now you have school tommorow go get some sleep" he said.

I then yawned right after he said that. I nodded and said goodnight before going to my room.

Word Count- 632

Hope you enjoyed this

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