📱👑- Found Out

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I passed my road test

Anyway Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- SunaKage

Setting- Kageyamas parents find out about something

Kageyama Pov

I scrolled through my contacts quickly trying to find Sunas contact. I cursed softly to myself as my fingers fumbled.

The one time I hate having so many contacts because of volleyball was right now. I finally pressed the call button on Sunas contact and waited.

Soon I heard him pick up.

"Kags?" He asked sleepily.

"Sorry just need you" I said quietly as I sat down.

"For what? Are you okay?" he asked worreidly.

"Kinda" I said as I gripped my pant leg. "Im at the train station"

"Why?" He asked sounding more awake

"They found out. Kicked me out only got a few things with me" I said quickly not wanting to say another with people around.

"Shit okay. I'll meet you at the train station" he said.

"Thanks" I said before we said our byes and hung up.

Soon the train got there and I got on. I sat down and rubbed my arms.

I had a jacket on but it was winter and this jacket wasn't made for the winter. I'm glad I have it but I wished I would of grabbed a different.

I really don't think I would of been able to since everything happen to fast. But I can wish.

The train ride was an hour long and soon stopped at the last station. Before I even got off the train I saw Suna.

I got off quickly with the few things I had and just hugged Suna. He hugged back and rubbed my back.

"Its gonna be okay" he whispered softly to me

I just nodded and kept myself buried into him. After a few minutes we let go and began walking to Sunas.

I yawned softly and I felt myself get picked up. I gripped Suna as I was placed on his back.

"Put me down I'm fine" I said instantly.

"No just sleep. You need it" he said softly.

I sighed. If I wasn't so tired I would of argued.

I just nuzzled into Suna and felt myself drift off as Suna contuined walking home.

Word Count- 370

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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