🤗📘👑- Im Their Boyfriend Too- Part 2

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Here's Part 2 for yall

Hope you enjoy

Ship- BokuAkaKage

Setting- Bokuto and Akaashi pick up Kageyama after school

Kageyama Pov

It was almost the end of the school day and I couldnt wait. I felt like Hinata having all this energy but couldn't do anything since I was in class.

I patiently waited for the last bell to ring. Well not really patiently but I was trying.

I couldn't wait to see everyone's faces when Bokuto and Akaashi pick me up. I was glad I didn't have practice today.

I looked up and sighed. There was still five minutes left.

Those five minutes dragged on for what felt like hours. Finally the bell rang and I packed up.

My phone buzzed and I looked at it.

"We're here in front of the school take you time' Akaashi texted me.

"Wow really stooping that low to rename your mother's contact as 'Akaashi'?" I heard someone say.

I looked up and saw one of my classmates looking at my phone. I turned my phone off.

"Whatever" I said as I grabbed my bag as they huffed.

I left and began walking to the front. I noticed that people were staring at me and whispering.

I was used to it at this point. I hadn't told anyone on the team about the whispering.

They hadn't believed me wheni told them I was dating Akaashi and Bokuto so why should they believe me now. I pushed open the front doors and smiled as I saw Akaashi and Bokuto.

I didnt realize that most of my classmates and year had been following me.

"Keiji! Kotaro!" I yelled as I ran over to them and hugged them.

They grinned and hugged me back and kissed my cheeks. I grinned as my body relaxed in their hold.

I finally pulled away and gave them a kiss on the cheek. I wasn't a big fan of a lot of pda in public.

It made me uncomfortable when people watched when I gave my boyfriends a kiss. That's why I settled on cheek kisses.

"Was school okay?" Akaashi asked.

I nodded.

"Boring but okay" I said.

"We should practice volleyball after you get your homework done" Bokuto said excitedly.

"Dont forget you need to finish yours to Kotaro" Akaashi said.

Bokuto pouted a little but eventually nods.

"Fine fine" he said.

Akaashi nods as he smiles at both of us.

"Wait... you're actually dating them?" I heard someone ask and I looked back.

It was the same person from class earlier. I raised a eyebrow with an unimpressed look.

"Of course why would I lie about that?" I asked them back.

I could tell that team wanted to say something as they had gotten there a little after I had pulled away from hugging Akaashi and Bokuto. I turned away and looked at my boyfriends.

"Ready to go home?" I asked them.

They both grinned and nodded. We all walked off Karasuno grounds hand in hand and toward our home.

Word Count- 505

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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