📘👑- Sick- Pt 2

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Here is part 2 for the people that wanted it

Also I've descend for 60k I'm doing a qna so ask away


Hope you guys enjoy

Ship- AkaKage

Setting- Its Kageyamas turn to take care of Akaashi

Kageyama Pov

I got up and went to the kitchen. I wasn't good at cooking but I was okay at making soup.

Akaashi loves it when I make soup. I hummed to myself as I made it before hearing a noise.

I looked over and saw Akaashi.

"What are you doing up?" I asked him.

Akaashi rubs his eyes and comes into the kitchen.

"Im fine. I'm not sick" he mumbled as I checked his forehead.

"Okay say that to your fever. Go lay back down the soup will be ready soon" I told him.

Akaashi perked up.

"Youre making soup?" He asked as he looked over my shoulder.

"Yes I am and if you dont go lay down you won't get any" I said.

"Fine im going" he said and walked back upstairs.

I sighed and looked back at the soup. I got out a tray and a bowl and poured some into it.

I turned off the stove and moved the pot to the side. I then got some water and medicine.

I put it on the side of the bowl and picked up the tray. I then walked upstairs and to our bedroom.

The door was already open so I walked in. Akaashi was laying on my side and cuddled into my pillow.

I smiled at the sight and went over to him.

"Keiji time to sit up" I said as I shook him slightly.

Akaashi groans but nods as he sits up slowly. I placed the tray in his lap and he began eating.

I cleaned up the room as he ate the soup. I just did some easy chores around the house as Akaashi ate.

I soon went back and he was taking the medicine.

"Was it good?" I asked

"Better than good. It was amazing" he said with a smile.

"Im glad you liked it" I said with a soft smile.

I then took the tray and took it back downstairs. I cleaned up the kitchen and put away the rest of the soup.

I went back upstairs and tucked Akaashi in as he had fallen asleep. I watched him and helped him the rest of the day.

By the end of the day Akaashis fever had broken and he was just tired. We were cuddling in bed and I was playing with his hair.

"Thanks Tobio" he said softly.

"Youre welcome Keiji" I said as I looked at him "Get some sleep"

He nods before looking at me.

"You to" he whispered and we both fell asleep together.

Word Count- 465

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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