😤👑 ◇ Let Me Help

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Ship- SugaKage

Setting- Sugawara does Kageyamas makeup once and Kageyama soon starts learning how to do it

Kageyama Pov

I hummed as I watched another YouTube video on makeup. I've been watching them for two days now.

Sugawara did my makeup three days ago. He told me I looked beautiful and I felt beautiful.

I soon got some makeup and began just practicing as I watched the videos. It was kinda relaxing doing it.

Especially since I can wipe it off and try it again and again. I smiled as I looked at the small makeup mirror I bought.

I just recreated one of Sugawras's looks that he has done. I, of course, had my own little spin on it.

I then took a photo and sent it to Sugawara. I patiently waited for him to reply.

The video I was watching soon finished and I found another one. Soon my phone dinged and I looked at it.

'Looks amazing Tobio. I can come over and show you more if you want?' He had texted.

'Yes please,' I texted back as I went to unlock the door.

I went back to my room and continued watching the video. The front door opened and I grinned and looked over to see Sugawara walking into my room.

"Even more amazing in person Tobio," He said as he kissed me.

"Thanks, Koushi," I said softly.

He then sits down next to me and brings his makeup bag out. He began explaining each thing he had as I listened.

"Now here is some eyeliner. I bought two by accident yesterday" he said as he grinned.

"Thanks," I said and began to take off the makeup look I had on.

I began practicing doing eyeliner. I began doing the wing and finished it.

I looked at Sugawara and he smiles and nods.

"Very good for your first try," he said.

I smiled back and did the wing on the other side. Once I was done I began chuckling.

"What?" Sugawara asked.

I showed him my other wing and he began laughing.

The other wing I had did was significantly bigger than my other one.

"Good thing you can try again," he said through him laughing.

I nodded and wiped it off and tried again. I grinned as I got it semi like the other one.

"Good job," Sugawara said as he was just playing around with eyeshadow.

"Thanks, Koushi," I said as the makeup video ended.

I then just watched Sugawara play with his makeup. It was relaxing to watch him as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

He grinned at me as he kissed my forehead softly.

"I love you," I said softly making Sugawara smiled softly.

"I love you to," he said back just as softly. I grinned and nuzzled into Sugawara as I continued to watch him do his makeup

Word Count- 487

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