👑🚫- Distancing Myself

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Trans Kageyama anyone?

Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- No ship

Setting- The first year's go out shopping together

Kageyama Pov

I chuckled as I watched Yamaguchi and Hinata run around in the store with Tsukishima and I walking after them. After a stressful week Hinata suggested we all go shopping.

We all had agreed because it was well deserved. It was around two now and Hinata pulled us into a shop.

I looked around and saw some more masculine clothes. I went over and began looking.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as Hinata and Yamaguchi look at some skirts. I sighed a little.

I wish I could wear skirts again. Its not like I couldn't but my mother would throw them out if she even saw it.

Once I had came out as trans everything that even remotely looked feminine  and girly she had thrown away. It didn't matter what it was.

The color was a 'girl' color. It was thrown away.

To feminine for my mother's taste. Thrown away.

No questions were asked. I tried to hide makeup once as I liked how it looked on me.

My mother had a fit when she found out about that. Saying something like: 'Men don't wear this kinda stuff. If you want to be one then act like one for heavens sake'.

I blinked and found myself looking at a skirt. It was flowy and would look nice on me.

"Are you gonna get it?" Someone asked.

I jumped and looked over to see Tsukishima.

"No... just looking" I said eventually and put it down.

Tsukishima just hums and looks at some of the skirts. I went back to the masculine clothes and picked some out.

I went to check out and waited for everyone else to. We were walking back to the entrance of the mall when Tsukishima stopped me.

"Here" he said and handed me a small bag.

I opened it and gasped softly. It was the same skirt I was looking at.

"Ill keep it at my place so if you ever need it just come over. A heads up to please before you do" he said making me nod.

"Thanks Tsukishima" I said as I smiled.

"Hm?" He asked with a raised eyebrow "Oh whatever dont mention it" he said with a shrug.

I grinned the whole way home and couldn't stop as I went to sleep later that night.

Word Count- 410

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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