😐👑- You Cant Have a Boyfriend

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This was requested by xxTheUwUpineapplexx

Some background info for this oneshot is that Kiyoko and Sakusa is Kageyamas cousin and Haru and Daisuke is Kageyamas parents

Other than that enjoy

Ship- UshiKage

Setting- Kageyama is have dinner with his family when Kiyoko spills that he has a boyfriend

Kageyama Pov

I was setting the table when the door bell rang. I went over to it and opened it.

I smiled when I saw Sakusa and Kiyoko.

"Come in" I said and stepped to the side.

They both came in and took their shoes off. I hugged both of them.

"Its good to see you Kags" Sakusa said as he took off his mask.

"It is. We don't see each other often" I said as I went back to setting the table.

"Dinner should be almost done and Miwa should be here soon" I said softly. "Make yourselves at home"

They nodded and thanked me before going to wash up. I finished setting the table when the door opened.

"Im home" Miwa called out.

"Good just in time for dinner" Dad said as he came out from the kitchen.

"Smells amazing" she said and hugged him. "Ill go wash up"

She then headed upstairs and dropped her stuff off in her room. Both Kiyoko and Sakusa came down and sat down.

"Do either of you need help?" Kiyoko asked.

Both Haru and Daisuke shake their head.

"No we got it. Just relax" Haru said.

Kiyoko nods and we all sit down as they put food on the table. All of us were just chatting about how our school day had gone.

"I heard someone is transferring to our school" I said softly.

Kiyoko looked over.

"Really?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Some second year or something" I said with a shrug as Kiyoko nodded.

Soon we were all putting food on our plates and eating quietly.

Kiyoko then looked at me with mischief in her eyes.

"So, Kags, how's your boyfriend doing?" She asked as Daisuke looked up from his food.

"Boyfriend?" He asked.

"Uh... well dad" I said before trailing off.

He raised his eyebrow at me.

"I have a boyfriend and well he's doing okay. Thank you for asking Kiyoko" I muttered as she just smiled innocently at me.

"What did I say?" Daisuke asked me.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Not to have one till I'm 40" I said as I mimicked his voice.

"I think it's cute. You'll have to show us a picture" Haru pipped up.

I nodded as I smiled.

"Of course and I can bring him around sooner or later so you both can meet him" I said as I looked at my dad with hope in my eyes.

He looked at me before signing.

"Fine" he muttered as Haru nods.

"Sounds good just tell me when and I can cook his favorite" he said excitedly.

I nodded. Maybe introducing them won't be to bad.

Word Count- 492

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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