😠👑- No Im Not Dating Him

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Happy pride month everyone.

Would you guys wanna see the pride makeup I did?

Anyway hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- IwaKage

Setting- Kageyama is dating Iwaizumi but everyone thinks he's dating Oikawa

Kageyama Pov

I was in the middle of telling the team about what Iwaizumi and I did this weekend when I got interrupted.

"Aren't you dating Oikawa?" Yamaguchi asked nervously.

I blinked a little and shook my head.

"No I'm dating Iwaizumi" I said with a frown. "I've told you guys this"

"Im pretty sure you said Oikawa" Hinata piped up.

Soon everyone was talking and disregarded me. I frowned more before pulling out my phone.

'Come get me' I texted to Iwaizumi.

'Alright. Is everything okay?' He asked as I sighed.

'Mostly. I'll tell you tonight' I texted back as he just sent a thumbs up.

I listened to everyone talk and just waited for Iwaizumi to get here. About ten minutes later his car pulled up and I got up.

"Going so soon?" Hinata asked with a pout.

"Yeah I forgot my boyfriend and I had something planned" I said with a slight smile on my face as I waved bye to them.

"Say 'hi' to Great King for me" Hinata yelled as I opened the car door.

I just nodded as I got in. Iwaizumi looked at me with a worreid face but began driving.

I stayed silent as he drove us to his house since it was closer. Once we got back I walked in and collapsed onto the couch.

He came over and sat next to me.

"What happened?" He asked softly.

"They all think I'm dating Oikawa" I said as I wiped my eyes. "I've told them multiple times I'm dating you but they just don't seem to get it."

Iwaizumi frowns and brings me into a hug.

"Well we can't so much but as long as we know who we're dating who cares what they think." He said softly.

I just hugged him tighter as he pulled me closer.

"Thanks Iwa" I whispered as he nods and contuines to hold me.

Word Count- 355

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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