😠👑◇ Watching From Afar

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This was requested by tug04081 Hope you guys like this.

Ship- IwaKage

Setting- Kageyama thinks Iwaizumi is dating Oikawa, but really he was asking advice

Kageyama Pov

I was hanging out with Oikawa and Iwaizumi on my day off from practice.

I was planning on asking Iwaizumi out, but I couldnt.

Iwaizumi would blush whenever Oikawa would whisper something in his ear.

I would just look away or pretend not to notice.

So it seems that Iwaizumi and Oikawa are dating.

It wasn't as surprising since they're childhood best friends.

Still I thought I had a chance to ask him out.

But ill be happy for him.

If he likes Oikawa then I won't stop their relationship.

It was nearing the end of our hangout and Oikawa gave him a thumbs up.

I had a confused look on my face, but didnt say anything.

Iwaizumi signs and walks over to me.

"Kageyama" he said and I smiled at him.

"Yes Iwaizumi?" I asked as he looked away nervously.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" He asked as my eyes widen.

"Wait- Really? I thought you were dating Oikawa" I said as he just shook his head and chuckles.

"No hes been giving me advice on how to ask you out" he said with blush coating his cheeks.

"Ooh. Well I will go on a date with you" I said as he smiles and relaxes.

"Great next time we're both free?" He asked as I nodded.

"Yeah I should be free next weekend" I said.

"Great I am to. I'll text you details when it gets closer" he said before he left with Oikawa.

I turned to walk home with a smile on my face.

Word Count- 294

Hope you guys like this and sorry I didn't post yesterday.

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