👑😊- Needing Advice

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Ship- KageYachi

Setting- Yachi asks Kageyama for Makeup advice

Kageyama Pov

I was in my room when my door was opened without anyone knocking.

"Hey! Knock why don't-" I cut myself off as I saw Yachi. "Oh sorry" I muttered.

She just giggled and closed the door. I had given her a key so she could come over whenever she wanted.

"Always so mean before you see me" she teased lightly that made me blush.

"Shut up I'm trying to he a nice boyfriend" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"And you are. Don't worry" she said as she skipped over to the bed. "I have a question"


"Can you help me with eyeliner? You're like amazingly good at it for no reason" she asked with a pout.

I chuckled softly as I looked at Yachi.

"Of course" I said as I got up and went over to my desk.

I grabbed both my eyeliners and my makeup mirror. I patted the chair.

"Come sit" I said and she came over and sat down.

I gave her one of the eyeliners as I opened the other.

(I'm gonna explain it how I do it. Some people do it differently and that's okay)

"I start by a thin line on my lid or half of the lid just depends" I started as I showed her. "Then I make a line where I want the wing to start and go out just a bit"

Yachi nods as she began doing what I said. I smiled softly as I watched her out of the corner of my eye.

"Once I got it how I like I connect the wing to the line that I had created. After that I make the line a bit thicker and I'm done" I said and finished off my eyeliner.

I decided to do the other eye as Yachi was focused on doing the one eye. Yachi got done and smiles.

"I think this is the quickest I've ever done eyeliner" she said with a chuckle.

I looked at her and then the eyeliner.

"It looks amazing and just remember. It takes practice. I wasn't always this good at eyeliner" I said.

"Maybe you were born with the skill of doing eyeliner" she said with a giggle.

I shook my head as we laughed together.

"I wasn't but that would be funny. Now do you want me to do the other side so you can go make some tiktoks?" I asked.

Yachi nods and I do her eyeliner as closely as I could do to how she did the other eye.

"Okay that's the best I could do" I said as Yachi looked into the mirror.

"Thats really close. Thanks Tobio" she said and leaned up and kissed me.

I kissed back softly and smiled.

"Youre welcome now go have fun" I said as she got up and nods.

"Ill send them to you once I'm dont" she said before she shut the door.

I smiled as I took a few photos and posted them to my Instagram. I decided to keep it on and got into bed and pick up the book I had discarded and went back to reading it

Word Count- 550

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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