👑🚫- Foot Bothering You?

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Ship- No ship

Setting- Kageyama lands on foot wrong and sprains it but tries to contuine on with the match

Kageyama Pov

I jumped up to set the ball and when I landed I knew I landed wrong. My foot hurt really bad.

It wasn't much pain so I pushed through it. I didnt think I hurt it to much so I pushed on.

I contuined running and setting to people till we had a break. I sat down and sighed in relief as my foot hurt a little less.

I looked up and saw Hinata staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Whats wrong?" He asked getting head turns.

I frowned.

"Nothing" I said as I drank from my water bottle.

"Somethings up" he said once again making me sigh.

I knew the whole team was listening in at this point. I also saw no reason to lie to Hinata even if I wouldn't be able to play the rest of the match.

"I think I landed on my foot wrong" I said finally and looked down.

Daichi frowns as he came over.

"Lets get it checked just in case" he said making me nod.

Hinata helped me up and I leaned on him slightly even if he was shorter than me.

"Look at the King needing help" Tsukishima teases.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I really just didn't want to deal with him at the moment as my foot hurt a lot.

We finally got to the nurse and I let her check my foot our. I waited as she came back with a bandage.

"Its just sprained. You're lucky you didn't contuine playing on it. You could of made this a lot worse" she said as she wrapped my foot.

I sighed.  I knew I wouldn't be able to play in the match nor practice for a couple of weeks.

I thanked the nurse and Hinata helped me back to the gym. Once we entered our team looked over and I sat back down on the bench.

"Its sprained' I said as everyone nodded.

I sighed as the matched contuined on and I couldn't help being guilty when we lost.

Word Count- 370

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