😼👑 ◇ The Kinda Guy I'd Be Into

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This ship was requested by ThatAnimeGay

Ship- KuroKage

Setting- Ever since the first pratice match Kuroo had been flirting with Kageyama and he had been slowly falling for Kuroo

Kageyama Pov

We were having another practice match with Nekoma and Kuroo hadnt left me alone since we got here.

I wasn't surprised as he had been flirting with me since our first practice match together.

He asked for my number to and I gave it to him reluctantly as both of the teams were both there.

I didn't regret giving him my number, but sometimes Kuroo can be a little much.

I was filling up some of the water bottles before the match before I heard someone walking my way.

"Hey pretty boy~" I heard someone say and before I even turned I knew it was Kuroo.

"Hello Kuroo" I responded and turned to him.

He was already in his volleyball uniform and to be honest he did look hot.

"You ready for our match?" He asked as I nod.

"I am ready for it" I said with full confidence that we were gonna win.

"Well if my team wins can I take you out on a date?~" He asked smoothly as I rolled my eyes.

"No you can't" I said before walking back to where my team was stretching.

I began stretching with them as the Nekoma team did the same.

As the match started Kuroo kept staring at me or giving me looks.

I tried to ignore them and it worked in the beginning, but a few times he did make me blush lightly.

It seemed like only Kuroo noticed that I blushed as he smirked in triumphant.

Once the match was over with us winning as all of us were panting.

We all went to the benches and slowly calmed down from the match.

We would of done another game, but it was already really late when we got here.

I was packing up the bus when once again Kuroo showed up.

Its like he has a tracker on me or something I swear.

"Hey pretty boy I got a question" he said as I signed and looked at him.

"Yes Kuroo?" I asked as he smiled at me.

"What kind of guys are you into?" he asked making me blush not expecting the questions.

I smirked a little as I looked at Kuroo as he looked confused as to why I was smirking.

"You're the guy I'd kinda be into" I said before winking and getting on the bus.

Kuroo just stared at the bus doors not expecting me to do something like that.

Later that night while I was laying down on my bed as I was texting Kuroo and the groupcaht with my teammates.

I switched between them for an hour before I just texted Kuroo.

'Yeah Kuroo is definitly someone I'd be into' I thought as we texted back and forth and I finally said yes to going on a date with him.

Word Count- 500

Hope you guys enjoyed

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