🤗👑- Attention

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Ship- BokuKage

Setting- Kageyama is playing video games but Bokuto wants attention

Kageyama Pov

I grinned to myself as the victory screen came up. I was in my room and playing video games.

I had finished my homework yesterday so I had today to just relax. My door opened but I didn't hear it as my headphones were noise canceling.

One of my headphones moved and I jumped and looked to the side.

"What?" I asked harshly before I saw Bokuto. "Sorry didn't hear you" I said softly.

"Its fine. Are you done playing?" He asked as his head tilted.

I shake my head.

"No i have two more games before I'm done. Why?" I asked him.

"Just wanted to hang out with you" he said as he played with some of my hair.

Did I mention that Bokuto is clingy? Well he is.

I smiled a little.

"Well I'll be done in an hour. Can you wait?" I asked

"I guess" he said before he grinned.

I had turned around so I didn't see the grin. I felt myself get picked up and I held onto Bokuto tightly.

He then sat down in my chair and put me into his lap. Then he wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled into my neck.

"Better?" I asked with a chuckle

I felt him nod and smile as the next round started. I played the next two rounds in Bokutos lap.

He either watched me or kept his face in my neck. He would sometimes kiss my cheek which made me blush and smile.

Once the rounds were done I turned off my PC and took my headphones off. I looked at him and played with his hair a little.

He lifted his head and smiled at me.

"Done?" He asked.

"Yup. Now what do you wanna do?" I asked.

"Some of our friends wanted to play some board games. Wanted to know if you wanted to join them" he said.

I looked at him then sighed.

"Fine let's go" I said and started getting up.

Before I could stand up Bokuto picked me up.

"Hey! I can walk" I said as I looked at him.

"I know. I just want carry you" he said with grin.

I looked at him then just cuddled into him. He seemed to take that at acceptance and carried me downstairs so we could get our shoes on and leave to Kuroos house where everyone was.

Maybe having a clingy boyfriend isn't that bad.

Word Count- 427

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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