😷👑- Stand By - Pt 3

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Since Part 3 was requested by multiple people

Hope you enjoy

Ship- SakuKage

Setting- Its been a few months since Kageyama saw Sakusa and Atsumu and is slowly getting better

Kageyama Pov

I was getting ready to leave my house and walk to school when my phone dinged. I went over to my bed and then picked up my phone.

I turned it on and unlocked my phone and saw who texted me. It was Sakusa.

'Hey Kags. How have you been doing? Sorry I haven't texted in a while' Sakusa had sent me.

I bit my lip as I thought.

'Should I text him? Would it make me a bad person if I didn't?' I thought to myself.

I ultimately decided not to text him right now. I left my house with my phone in my pocket.

I saw Hinata up ahead and jogged to catch up with him.

"Hey Hinata" I said as I caught up with him.

He grinned and waved.

"Hey Kags. Why do you look like that?" He asked and I was confused.

"Look like what?" I asked with a confused face.

"Like your thinking really hard on something" he said

"Ooh well Sakysa texted me and I don't know if I should text him or not" I said softly.

"Well has he texted you at all since getting into a relationship with Atsumu?" Hinata asked.

"No but I don't wanna be like the bad guy. I shouldn't care thus much that he did get into a realtionship" I muttered loud enough so Hinata could hear me.

"Kageyama you're not the bad guy. You had a crush on him and now even as that crush had faded and you want to be friends he totally ignored you." Hinata said seriously as he looked at me.

I nodded slowly.

"I know that but I still feel bad" I said as I picked at my backpack string.

"Dont be. You're setting boundaries and that's okay. You don't have to be friends with him after he forgot about hanging out with you a few months ago" He said as they made it to the club room.

I smiled at Hinata.

"Thanks Hinata" I said.

"Youre welcome bow are you ready to set to me?" He asked with a grin on his face.

"You know I am" I said as I followed him to the gym.

Word Count- 400

Hope you guys liked this.

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