🐝👑 - Make Me a Believer

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Ship- AtsuKage

Setting- Atsumu asks Kageyama out on a date and Kageyama doesn't believe him

Kageyama Pov

Atsumu and I were at the mall and he kept trying to hold my hand. He had said that this was a date but I didn't believe him.

The last time someone told me that is when it was a dare and they humiliated me. I hummed to myself before we went into a random clothes store that Atsumu wanted to check out.

I looked around and saw a few things I wanted and liked but didn't have enough money to get the clothing items. What I didn't know was that Atsumu was watching me and picking up the items I liked.

"Kags your size is medium right?" He asked soundly

I looked over with a confused face.

"Yeah why?" I asked him.

"Just wondering" he said before we went to check out.

I wasn't paying attention so I didn't realize that some of the clothing items I liked were on the counter. We soon left that store and c9ntuined walking around.

I also finally let Atsumu hold my hand. I wanted this to be a date but knew Atsumu would never seriously take me on one.

I signed softly to myself making Atsumu look over.

"Whats wrong?" He asked.

"Just it feels like this is a date" I said softly as I looked at him.

"What are you talking about it is" he said with a confused face.

I shake my head.

"You just saying that. I know what will happen once I let my guard down. You're gonna humiliate me in front of all these people" I said as tears began to weld up in my eyes.

I really like Atsumu and wish he did to. If I only knew that he liked me to.

"Im being serious about this being a date and I'm not gonna do that to you Kags. I really like you and whatever happened in the past just know I won't do that" he said as he cupped my cheeks.

I looked up at him and nod slowly.

"Okay ill trust you" I said softly.

"Thats all I ask now do you want to go get some ice cream?" He asked making me nod.

"That sounds good" I said softly.

We walked hand and hand to get ice cream and the rest of the date went wonderfully.

Word Count- 420

Hope you guys liked this.

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