😤👑 ◇ Surprise?

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This was requested by Idonotknowu
This chapter contains trans Kageyama
Hope you guys like this

Ship- Sugakage

Setting- Kageyama was changing for practice when Sugawara walks in

Kageyama Pov

I had gotten to the club room five minutes early so I knew no one was there.

I have never changed in front of anyone and I dont plan on it.

I trusted them yes but not enough to change in front of them.

I was in the middle of taking my binder off when I heard the door open.

I stopped and froze as someone walked in.

"Kags?" Someone asked.

Only two people called me that.

So either it was Hinata or Sugawara.

I turned a little and saw Sugawara.

"Hey Suga" I said nervously as I pulled my binder back down.

He stared at me but not at my chest.

He stared at my face.

"Um is there something wrong?" I asked.

"You dont wear that for more than 12 hours do you?" He asked making me shocked.

"No I dont" I said.

He nods and comes over to me.

Sugawara then hugs me.

"I know this isn't ideal as you probably didn't want me to know  but I accept you and support you" he whispered near my ear.

I hugged back as I nod.

"Thanks Suga" I said before I kissed his cheek.

I grinned as blush erupted onto Sugawaras face.

"Get changed and ill make sure no one comes in till your done" he said before he left.

I guess I had nothing to worry about Sugawara not accepting or support me.

Word Count- 268

Sorry its so short but hope you guys liked this and enjoyed it

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