📘👑- Sick

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Thank you to everyone that gave me ships


Hope you guys enjoy


Setting- Kageyama is at home sick and Akaashi takes care of him

Kageyama Pov

I opened my eyes and groaned softly. The light was blinding and made my headache.

I closed my eyes and rolled over a little. Before I knew it I was falling asleep again.

Right as I was about to fall back to sleep the door opened. I looked over through squinted eyes and saw Akaashi.

He smiles at me and comes over.

"Morning Tobio" he said

"Morning" I said with a raspy voice.

Akaashi frowns a little and checked my forehead. I leaned into his hand as it was cold against my forehead.

"Youre warm let me get the thermometer" he said and got back up.

I nodded and curled up. He came back only moments later.

We checked my temperature and it came back 100.5 degrees.

"Ill get you some soup. Okay?" He asked softly as he moved my hair out of my face.

I nodded and smiled tiredly at him.

"It'll take a bit so get some rest" he said

He then left and I fell asleep quickly. It felt like only five minutes past when I woke up to Akaashi shaking me lightly.

I whined and turned over trying to go back to sleep.

"Come on Tobio time to eat" he said.

I reluctantly turned over and sat up a little. He put the tray into my lap and I ate the soup slowly.

"Is it good?" He asked.

"Yeah it is... thanks Akaashi" I said softly as I smiled at him.

"Youre welcome" he said.

I soon finished the soup and handed the tray back to Akaashi. He took it and exited the room.

I laid back down and closed my eyes. The blankets weren't even on me all the way but I didnt care.

I was to tired and achy to care. I heard the door open and then the blankets were over me.

Then a simple kiss was pressed to my forehead. I smiled softly before I fell asleep.

I woke up multiple times during the day and each time Akaashi helped me. Whatever I needed Akaashi was ready to go get for me.

He was such a caring boyfriend and I couldn't ask for anyone else but him. My fever had broke over night and the next morning I felt better.

I looked over at Akaashi who was still in bed which surprised me. He was a morning person and was up usually before I got up.

There was a thin layer of sweat on Akaashis face and I already knew he had a fever. Well look likes it's my turn to take care of him.

Word Count- 465

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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