😼👑- Being Interrupted

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This was requested by jangdongwoo123

Hope you guys enjoy this

Setting- Kuroo and Kageyama are on a date when it gets interrupted

Kageyama Pov

Kuroo looked over at me as he swung out hands lightly as we walked. We were on a date and having loads of fun.

I guess Kuroo had this planned out forever now. Since I woke up the date started.

Breakfast in bed then he gave me new clothes to wear today. They were the comfest clothes I've ever bought or was given.

It was a red and white long sleeve shirt with black jeans. With a few accessories that I already owned.

Like a choker and a few rings. Right now we took a walk in the park and took a few pictures.

It was the best day of my life and nothing could ruin it. Then something did.

"Kageyama" I heard someone call and I turned around to see Hinata and Kenma.

I sighed a little as they got close.

"How has your weekend gone?" He asked.

"Its good. How has yours been?" I asked him.

"Its been amazing. I'm taking Kenma to lunch now for a date. I'm guess you guys are on a date?" He asked.

I nodded.

"We are. An all day date" I replied back.

"Thats so cool. Well we gotta go and I don't wanna ruin your date anymore. Have fun" he said before semi dragging Kenma to a restaurant.

I chuckled softly as I watched them before looking at Kuroo.

"Ready for lunch?" He asked.

I nodded and I began walking wherever Kuroo went. We got to the restaurant and I gasped softly.

It was my favorite restaurant.

"You didn't" I said as Kuroo nods and pulled me inside.

"I did. Order whatever you want" he said.

I nodded hesitantly as I knew some of the food could get pretty expensive.

"If you say so" I said as I looked at the menu.

Kuroo did the same as we chatted as we looked through the menu. Soon we ordered and he reached over and held my hand.

"I love you" he said softly .

"I love you to" I said back as I smiled.

I really have the best boyfriend ever.

Word Count- 375

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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