🦕👑 ◇ We Met Before

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Ship- TsukiKage

Setting- Everyone noticed how Tsukishima and Kageyama interacted and no one knew why till one day

Kageyama Pov

I was walking with Tsukishima to the gym. It wasn't every day that we could spend time together.

Everyone thinks that we hate each other but we really don't. Tsukishima and I might be dating but we have very different personalities.

What the the team doesn't know is that we banter in front of them. They depicted it as fighting and try to stop us.

We entered and almost everyone was there at the gym. They all turn and look and see us.

Yamaguchi waves at both of us and I waved back a little. Tsukishima just nods his greeting to Yamaguchi.

"You guys didn't fight did you?" Sugawara instantly asked.

"Maybe Daichi set this up so they would get along better" Noya suggested.

Everyone began talking and suggesting things as to why we were walking together.

"Youre all wrong" Tsukishima said as he was warming up.

Everyone stopped talking and looked over at us. Tsukishima looked at them with a cold stare.

"Since you guys won't stop talking about it. I'll tell you" he said before looking at me.

I give him a nod and he nods back. He looked back at the team and signed.

"Kags and I are dating. Have been for a while now" he said before going over to Yamaguchi.

That signaled he was done talking with them till practice started. They all looked at me and I got a little nervous.

"Didnt you guys just met this year?" Tanaka asked.

"Ah well, Kei and I met a little after third year of middle school. We didnt start dating till last summer thougj" I said as I rubbed the back of my neck.

Soon practice started and I signed in relief as I didn't want to answer anymore questions. I grinned as Tsukishima smirked at me.

We definitely are 'fighting' today to make practice more interesting. It wasn't our fault that they didn't realize that it was our banter to one another.

Word Count- 355

Hope you guys like this and a little earlier update. Also sorry there was no update yesterday I couldnt think of anything to write.

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