💻👑- Lazy Day

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Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- KenKage

Setting- Kenma and Kageyama have a lazy day

Kageyama Pov

I opened my eyes and rubbed them as some sunlight was coming through the windows. It was Sunday and thankfully Kenma and I got all our homework done yesterday.

Which meant we could just have a lazy day. I rolled over and wrapped my arms around Kenmas waist.

He snuggled into me and I relaxed a bit. I closed my eyes and just relaxed.

I hadn't realized it but I had fallen back to sleep.

"Come on Tobio. Wake up" I heard Kenma said as he shook me.

I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Almost noon. Come on sleepy head" he said as he chuckled.

"Fine fine" I said as I got slowly sat up. "What have you been doing?" I asked.

"Just been playing some video games but I'm hungry now. So I decided to get you up so we can order some food and maybe watch a movie?" He asked as he tilted his head slightly.

I nodded.

"Alright that's fine. Sounds relaxing plus we haven't watched that one movie we wanted to watch" I said as I got up and stretched.

Kenma gets out of the bed and gets his phone.

"Pizza sound good?" He asked.

I just nodded and went downstairs. I went over to the couch and got a few blankets and placed one over the couch cushions.

I got two pillows and placed one of each side. I sat down and waited for Kenma.

He came down a few minutes later and sat down next to me.

"It should be here in twenty minutes. We can start the movie now" he said as I got the remote.

I turned the TV and we began playing the movie. It felt like no time went by when the door bell rang.

"I got it" I said and got up as Kenma paused the movie.

I got the pizza and thanked the delivery man before closing the door and going back to the living room. I put the pizza down and sat back down.

"It smells amazing. Dig in" I said as I opened the pizza back.

And that's how we spent our Sunday. Watching movies and eating some pizza.

Word Count- 400

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

Also what should I dye my hair next? It's currently black and purple but I cant have bright colors because of work.

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