👑🚫- Music Will Help

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Sorry for like disappearing lol

Anyway enjoy

Ship- No ship

Setting- Music always calms Kageyama down

Kageyama Pov

It was the end of the day and I couldn't wait to get back to my dorm. Today just seemed like to much.

Everyone and everything was either to loud or bright. The cafeteria was a nightmare and I almost ran out to anywhere but there.

But I didnt. I had to keep up my act up around my friends.

I couldnt let them see that I was panicking about something stupid. Well my mother always said it was stupid.

I sighed in relief when the store came into view and sped up just a bit. No one else noticed and just caught up with me.

I was glad they weren't asking me questions. Or maybe they were and I was just zoned out.

Who knows. I waited for Daichi to get us meatbuns.

He gave them all out and I quickly ate mine.

"Kageyama you wanna-" I began to hear Hinata but I ignored him and started walking home.

His sentence died out as he noticed I wasn't even listening and looks at me with worry. Not that I stopped.

I could feel his gaze on me and it made my skin crawl. I wanted to just get away from everything.

I finally made it to my house and entered. I locked the door and just went to my room.

Once I entered my room I got my noise canceling headphones and got into bed. I curled up and put on my music playlist.

I sighed as I fully relaxed against my bed as I listened to music. It was also the first time today that I had fully relaxed.

Before I knew it I was asleep. I must of been exhausted.

Word Count- 302

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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