📱👑- I Cant Give Him Up

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I'm doing another QnA soon so give me some questions in the comments

Anyway enjoy

Ship- SunaKage

Setting- Kageyama doesn't want to give Suna up

Kageyama Pov

I was in my room when my phone began to ring. My phone only rings whenever my mom calls or Suna does.

I thought it was Suna as usually my mom never calls.

"Hey babe, how was-" I was cut off before I even could finish.

"Tobio" I heard my mother say making me snap my mouth shut.

My mom didn't know I was dating anyone as I was waiting to tell her. Guess that's not happening.

"Hello mom" I muttered and sighed as she began complaining about me never calling. "What did you call me for?" I asked interrupting her complaining.

"Dont interupt me but I was calling to see how you were doing" she said.

I blinked a little in confusion. In the six months I had been living alone she had never decided to call to check up on me.

"Im doing better. Suna has been helping and we are looking to get me a therapist" I said.

Even if I hadn't said it Suna has been helping me a lot and I was really grateful for that.

"A therapist? Why do you need that?" She asked.

"Uhh well I kinda went through something traumatic mother" I said with a roll of my eyes.

"You living alone?" She asked instantly making me tense. "Tobio I told you. If you would of been a better son then I would of never left. I don't think you need a therapist"

I sighed and held my head. I didnt want to deal with this right now.

It had taken Suna and Hinata to convince me to go see a therapist. I didnt want to disappointment them now by not going becuase of my mother.

"Im not talking about this with you mom. I'm going to see a therapist whether you like it or not" I said firmly.

I heard her bitter laugh making me shiver. It felt like she was right next to me when she did this laugh.

"What and did you boyfriend convince you Tobio?" She asked with venom dripping in her voice.

"Yeah he did actually" I said.

"That boy is no good for you Tobio. I'm telling you. You should just give up on him" she said and before I could say anything she hung up.

I stared at my phone with a blank face. I don't know how long I was staring at my phone.

It could of been hours but what snapped me out of was Suna coming into my room. He was over for the weekend so we could spend some time together.

Suna instantly looked worried as he walked over to me.

"What happened?" He asked.

And before I knew it I was telling him everything that had happened. Suna came over and hugged me and I just hugged back.

"Its gonna be okay" he said softly as he kissed my forehead.

I nodded and just relaxed in his arms.

Word Count- 520

Part 2 where Kageyama blows up on his mom?

Anyway Hope you guys enjoyed

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