🤪👑 ◇ The Monster's King- Pt 2

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Part 2 was requested by bokugosanger

Hope you guys enjoy

Ship- TenKage

Setting- Kageyama has been getting bullied and no one realizes it besides Tendou

Kageyama Pov

I was walking back to my locker before practice and signed. For a while now I have been getting these notes in my locker.

I don't know from who and I haven't told anyone. It was harmless really.

All it was taunts. It was the same in middle school so I got used to it.

I kept the notes in my bag so whoever was putting them in my locker knows I have them. I knew from middle school if I just ignored the notes they would progressively get worse and soon it was verbal bullying.

I had made that mistake in middle school and I won't ever make it again. I had been down recently but no one on the team seemed to notice.

I was quiet most of the time during school but at practice, I put a mask on for the team. I read the few notes the person or people left me before putting them in my bag.

I feel like they watch me read the notes to gauge my reaction but I always have a face of indifference to give them no reaction. I made my way to the clubroom as I told Hinata to go ahead today instead of waiting for me.

I made it in under 5 minutes and quickly changed and got to the gym before practice started. I snorted at a joke Hinata made as most of the team chuckled.

Soon we started practicing and I could hear the whispers of the words that were on the notes and past bullies. I continued practicing trying not to let the words get to me.

It was on one of our breaks that my mind continued to replay the words over and over when Hinata came up to me.

"Kageyama?" He asked as he sat down next to me.

"Hm?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Are you alright? Your tosses are kinda lacking power today" he said with worry clear in his voice.

"Oh, yeah I'm alright just didn't get enough sleep last night," I said.

It wasn't necessarily a lie but it wasn't the whole truth at the same time. Hinata just nods and begins rambling about everything as I listen to him.

It was nice to just listen as Hinata kept my brain distracted. It was the end of practice and Hinata and I was walking off school grounds when I looked over to see Tendou.

I grin slightly and wave to Hinata and go over to Tendou.

"Hey," he said with a grin on his face.

"Hi," I said softly and we began walking to my house together.

"How was school?" he asked as he laced our hands together.

"It was okay," I said as I shrugged.

"Is something bothering you?" He asked concernedly as he looked over at me.

I bit my lip before finally nodding. It had been so long since someone realized that something was bothering me.

"Okay tell me once we get inside," he said softly as I looked up to see that we were at my house.

We entered the house and took off our shoes and went instantly to my room. He laid down on my bed and I dropped my backpack and laid down on my bed.

Tendou pulled me close to him and began playing with my hair.

"Now what has been bothering you?" he asked with a soft voice.

"I've been getting these notes from some random person," I said as Tendou nodded and let me continue. "Whoever has been putting them in my locker knows a lot about me in middle school and has been anonymously bullying me" I finished 

"Do you have the notes?" he asked as I looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah they're in my backpack" I mumbled as Tendou nodded.

"Alright for now let's cuddle then I will make your favorite for dinner and we will throw away the notes," he said as he grinned at me.

"Sounds perfect. Thank you Satori for being here" I said as I leaned up and kissed him softly.

Word Count- 682

Honestly, it's been a long time since I've written this much for a one-shot. I hope you guys enjoyed this.

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