🤩👑- I Know

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Ship- NoyaKage

Setting- Tanaka talks to Kageyama about Noya

Kageyama Pov

I was in the club room and the door opened. I looked over to see Tanaka.

"Hey Tanaka" I said and he nods to me.

We finished getting changed and then Tanaka locks the door. I looked at him with a confused face.

"Tanaka we gotta get to practice" I said.

"I know. This won't take long" he said.

"Okay" I said as I was still confused.

"Since I'm Noyas best friend I gotta give you the talk" he said with a serious face.

"I think I know how se-" I started but then got interrupted.

"Not that one. A different one" he said.

I just nodded and waited for him to contuine.

"Everyone on the team knows Noya is transgender. So i just want you to know if you ever pressure him to do anything he's not comfortable with. We are gonna have a problem" he said as he glared at me slightly.

I just blinked at him. Does he think I'm stupid?

"Why would I even do that in the first place. I thought you knew me better than that Tanaka" I said in disbelief "I know he's your best friend and obviously you're worried about him. I'm not gonna pressure him to do anything. I wouldn't pressure anyone to do anything" I contuined and just unlocked the door and walked out.

I know Tanaka has good intentions and he's watching out for Noya like anyone's best friend would do. I know Tanaka has never done that with any of Noyas other partners.

What makes me different? Why single me out only?

I dont understand. It's it because I'm the so called 'King of the Court'?

I signed before I opened the doors to the gym and joined everyone. I acted like nothing even happened.

If anyone saw Tanaka or I glaring slightly at each other no one mention it.

Word Court- 330

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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