🧅😛👑 ◇ I Don't Wanna Lose You Guys

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This was requested by VxnillaHaikyuu
Hope you guys like this

Ship- KinKuniKage

This is when they're in middle school

Setting- After every game they had Kageyama would shut down, but after a day he would go back to normal

Kageyama Pov

'Again?' I asked myself as we were in the locker room getting back into our regular clothes.

'How many times am I gonna do this?' I asked myself these questions after every game.

I had yelled at my teammates and my boyfriends during the game.

I do this every game because I get so focused into the game.

I want the game to how I want it even if I know that, that can't happen.

They always forgive me, but I'm just worried that one day that they wont.

This is our last year at the same school together since they want to go to Aoba Johsai and I want to go to Shiratorizawa.

My eyes drifted over to them as they all were joking and laughing with each other.

My fist clenches in my jersey as I looked back at my locker and glared at it.

I finished getting ready to go and left without talking to anyone.

My team was used to this, but usually I would tell Kindaichi and Kunimi that I was leaving.

I couldn't face them not after what I did.

I got back to my house and put my bag away in my room and signs.

I went out and got some milk and looked at what I could make.

I was hungry, but I didnt have enough energy to make anything.

I closed the fridge and went back to my room with the glass of milk.

I was laying in bed when I heard the front door open.

I knew it was Kindaichi and Kunimi so I didnt get up.

My door was opened and I groan as I turned over.

"You should really have a light on" I heard Kunimi say

"M'fine without it" I mumbled as I heard them walk over to my bed.

"Whats wrong Kags?" Kindaichi asked softly as he started running a hand through my hair.

I leaned into as I slowly relaxed.

"Just the match" I said as I looked away from them " Shouldnt of yelled at everyone"

Kindaichi hums softly as Kunimi took my hands and just held them.

"Kags you were caught in the match we understand" Kunimi said as I shake my head.

"I do this every match and I shouldnt. You guys are trying your hardest as I am. I shouldnt yell at you guys just because something doesnt go how I want it to" I said as tears began filling my eyes.

"At least you recongize what you're doing wrong and why your doing it Kags. As long as you apologize sooner or later its fine" Kindaichi said

I nod as I pulled them both down so we all could cuddle.

"I'm guessing we're staying the night?"Kunimi asked as I nodded against Kindaichis chest.

"Seems like it. Not that we both dont mind" Kindaichi said making Kunimi chuckle softly in agreement.

We laid there until we fell asleep all cuddled up underneath the blankets.

Before I fell asleep I said "I'm sorry. I love you guys"

Word Count- 548

Hope you guys like it and if you have any requests please leave them in the comments

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