🍞👑🏐- The King is Back

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Sorry for not uploading in a while but I hope you guys enjoy this

This was requested by Kaminari_Simp_28

Ship- OikKageHina

Setting-  Kageyama went on a vacation with his sister over spring break

3rd Person Pov

Oikawa was sleeping peacefully before he was shaken awake. He groans and opens his eyes to see Hinata shaking him

"Come on! Get up" Hinata said excitedly.

"Why?" Oikawa groans as he turned over and saw it was only 8 am. "It's not even 9 am yet Sho"

Hinata gasped in fake shock.

"Wow, I didn't know that," he said before he shook Oikawa again. "Kags is coming home today! Or did you forget?" He asked with a pout.

Oikawa rolled his eyes.

"Of course not." He said as Hinata stared at him with a 'really?' look on his face. "Okay maybe I did but it's not my fault that college is kicking my ass"

Oikawa slowly sat up as Hinata nodded.

"I get it. Now get dressed before I leave without you" he said.

"I'm going. I'm going" Oikawa said as he stretched and went to the closet to find something to wear.

He looked through his clothes and tried to find the perfect outfit to wear. No matter what Oikawa had to look his best.

Getting up early just to find the outfit of the day is something he always did. Even if his class was at 8 am.

Oikawa picked out some jeans that he hadn't worn yet. He looked through his shirts and hummed.

As he was picking a shirt out Hinata yelled from downstairs

"Come on princess we don't have all day!"

Oikawa huffed and blushed just a bit.

"I'm almost done. Hold your horses!" he yelled back with an eye roll.

He quickly picked a shirt that was red with black designs on it. He changed and went downstairs.

Hinata came out of the bathroom and smiled.

"You look nice Tooru," Hinata said with a soft smile.

"Thanks, you do too," Oikawa said as he blushed just a bit.

"Go brush your teeth then we can go get Tobio," he said as he went over and gently kissed him.

Oikawa nods as he kissed back. He then went into the bathroom as Hinata got his shoes on.

Compared to Oikawa, Hinata was wearing laid-back clothes. With sweatpants and Kageyamas sweatshirt.

Both of them looked opposite of each other. Once Oikawa was done he got his shoes on and grabbed his wallet.

Hinata looks over and smiles.

"You ready?" He asked and Oikawa nods.

They both left and decided to walk to the airport. It wasn't that far from where the three of them lived.

As they walked they talked about the surprise they had for Kageyama. Oikawa thought it would be nice for them to redo their bedroom and bathroom.

When Oikawa had brought it up to Hinata he also thought it was a great idea and then it was set into motion. With the help of their friends, they redid their bedroom and bathroom as Kageyama was away for a week and a half.

Soon they reached the airport and entered and waited for Kageyamas flight to land. Hinata was checking his phone for any texts he would get.

"His flight just landed. He'll be here soon" Hinata said.

Oikawa smiles and nods as he gripped Hinatas hand a bit. Oikawa looked around and soon spotted Kageyama.

"There he is," he said and pointed to Kageyama.

Hinata grins and once Kageyama was a bit closer he ran over and hugged him. Kageyama smiles and held into Hinata as they hugged.

"I missed you too Shoyo," Kageyama said as he held Hinata close.

Both of them headed to Oikawa and Kageyama hugged him.

"I missed you too," he said as Oikawa smiled.

"I missed you a lot Tobio," he said softly. They soon left the airport and made their way home.

All of them were holding hands as they ignored some stares they got. They all were used to it by now.

Once they got home Kageyama began putting away any stuff he could downstairs.

"You guys said you guys had a surprise for me?" Kageyama asked once he was done putting his stuff away.

Hinata nods happily "We do. Do you wanna see it?" He asked even if he knew the answer.

"Of course. Lead the way" he said and followed Oikawa and Hinata.

"Close your eyes," Oikawa said and waited till he did and brought him into their bedroom. "Okay, open"

Kageyama opened his eyes and his eyes widen as he looked around the room. The room was a light red color with new flooring.

Everything was different from what Kageyama remembered. All their furniture was different and went with the room.

"I'm guessing the decorations and furniture were chosen by Tooru?" He asked with a smile.

"Of course I did Tobio," Oikawa said with a proud smile. "Sho helped mostly with the painting and the flooring with our friends"

He nods.

"Well, I love it you two. Thank you" he said.

Hinata nods happily.

"Get some rest in our new bed. We can show the bathroom later" he said softly

Kageyama hums and nods as he yawned. He got into bed and even if Oikawa had just gotten up he climbed into bed.

Hinata got in after Oikawa and they all cuddled together for the first time in a while.

Word Count- 910

This was honestly really refreshing to write again. Hope you guys enjoyed and have a good night/day

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