😷👑 ◇ Masks Galore

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Hope you guys like this oneshot and this ship was the requested in the last oneshot so hopefully you like this.

Ship- SakuKage

Disclaimer- I dont claim to be a germaphobe so I'm just basing this off how I did my youtube video about Sakusa hanging out with people

Setting- It was during pratice and Kageyama was on his phone on the breaks more then usual

Kageyama Pov

I could tell my team was getting kinda annoyed with me today. I had been going on my phone a lot more this pratice, but it was alwasy on the breaks.

"Kageyama get off your phone and pratice with me" Hinata said as I signed a little

"Yeah give me a minute" I said as I continued texting Sakusa, who I met at the All-Japan Youth Camp.

We had really hit it off and started texting everyday almost every hour of the day. Since then I had started carrying around masks.

Not just one, like a lot. It was honestly a problem which no one knew I had them, but just in case if someone was sick.

I soon put my phone away and went to pratice with Hinata and everyone.

After pratice we all were cleaning up and packing our things up when Hinata approached me.

"Do you want to hang out with the team Kageyama?" he asked and I shook my head

"No, I'm going to be hanging out with a friend" I said as Hinata looked at me with shock.

"You have other friends?" he asked as I nodded my head and rolled my eyes a bit.

"Yes, I met him at the All-Japan Youth Camp" I responded as I was about to close my bag when most of my masks fell onto the floor.

Everyone in the club room looked over making some blush come onto my face.

"I didnt know you were one to carry around masks Kageyama" Daichi said as I picked them up

"I dont usually, but my bo- friend is a germaphobe so I need them" I said softly as I hoped no one would notice my slip up.

Sakusa and I had only started dating about a week ago so it was still new to me to call him my boyfriend.

"Were you going to say boyfriend?" Tsukishima asked in a mockingly way making me grit my teeth.

"Maybe I was. What does that have to do with anything!?" I basically yelled the my question at him

It made everyone surprised as I hadnt yelled at anyone, even Hinata, in a long time.

"Theres nothing wrong with it Kageyama we are just surprised" Sugawara said trying to defuse the situation, but it only made it worse.

"Its surprsing? Why is it so surprsing when I get a new friend or a boyfriend? Was it because I was the king in middle school. I really thought that you guys were different. I thought I had moved on from being the king, but I guess you guys cant see past that" I said as everyone looked at me in shock once again.

"Oooh so shocked that I spoke my mind" I said quietly as I shook my head.

I then stalked out of the club room not even stopping when they called my name.

I had a date to keep to Sakusa and no one was gonna stop me from being late.

Word Count- 571

Hope you guys enjoyed this and if you have an requests put them into the comments

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