👑🔺️◇ Why didnt you tell us

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This was requested by @scary0 

I'm doing a QnA so if you guys have any questions you want to know about me or the book put them in the comments, please.

Hope you guys enjoy

Ship- KageHarem

Disclaimer- In this one-shot its only Karasuno that Kageyama is dating 

Setting- Kageyama has been getting bullied and the team doesn't know until the training camp

Kageyama Pov

I signed as I was at my locker getting my stuff for volleyball practice and the training camp.

It seemed that every day the messages would double.

At first, I thought they were harmless little notes that people would put into my locker.

It turned into something worse as I ignored the notes and threw them away.

Whoever was sending them had my number and would text me at all times of the day.

It didn't matter if I was in class or practice it was non-stop messaging.

It got to the point that I just had to put my phone on mute and read the messages later.

I read the notes like I did every day before throwing them out. 

It was the same thing over and over again so I only skimmed over them before walking to the trash and threw them out.

I didn't even know why whoever was sending them was going through all this trouble to even bully me.

I hadn't told the team as they were really protective of me and would most likely scare whoever was sending the notes and text messages.

I don't plan on them ever finding out either.

I don't want them to find out.

I know I can deal with this on my own.

It kinda like middle school expect I didn't know who was saying these things to me.

In middle school, people would just come up to my face and say it.

Especially the volleyball team.

I opened the doors to the gym and smiled as I saw everyone.

"Kageyama" I heard Hinata yell as he ran towards me.

I caught him as he jumped on me making me chuckle.

"Don't hog him shrimp," Tsukishima said as he came over to us.

Hinata pouted, but let me go as Tsukishima kissed my forehead.

"Come on let's practice everyone" Daichi called out once everyone had greeted me.

I chuckled as Noya and Tanaka instantly went running to the court.

We practiced for a couple of hours before we had to go to the training camp.

We all were on the bus going to the training camp and I was mostly on my phone reading the texts that the person had sent me.

I signed at the texts and Hinata and Yamaguchi heard as they were the closest to me.

"What's wrong Kags?" Yamaguchi asked making me jump not even noticing that they heard me sign.

"Nothing," I said as I turned off my phone so they didn't see the messages.

"If you say so," Yamaguchi said as he went back to his conversation with Tsukishima.

Hinata was curious but stayed quiet for the rest of the ride.

We soon got to the training camp and we unloaded our stuff.

All the other teams were already there and greeted us as we got off the bus.

I was putting my volleyball into a locker that they have provided us.

I walked away to get more of my stuffed and as I was away someone slipped a note into my bag.

Hinata was in the locker room and noticed and took the note and went back to his locker as I got back to mine.

After I changed into some comfortable clothes as the training camp didn't start until tomorrow.

"Ready Hinata?" I asked as  I turned to him.

I noticed he was slightly tensed but didn't say anything as he nods

"Yeah come on," he said as we walked to where the team was.

"Come on the other teams are waiting at the restaurant for us," Sugawara said.

We started walking and the team was talking amongst themselves quietly.

I let it be as we walked and we arrived at the restaurant.

We had dinner with all the teams as we all laughed and joked the whole time.

I'm glad we were the only ones in the restaurant as we probably would have bothered other people if they were eating there.

Soon we were back and getting ready for bed and I was setting up my bed.

"Kags?" Noya asked making me look over and notice everyone looking at me.

"Yeah what is it?" I asked them as they all looked at each other.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Sugawara asked making me confused.

"Tell you guys what?" I asked as Hinata pulled out a note and my eyes widened.

"Oh..." I said as I looked away from them.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Sugawara asked again as I signed softly.

"I thought I could deal with it on my own but I guess I couldn't" I muttered.

"You know you could have told us," Tsukishima said as I nodded.

"I know but I didn't know how to tell you, guys," I said as they all came closer to me.

"It's alright Kageyama come on let's put all our beds together and have a big cuddle pile" Tanaka suggested making me nod.

We all worked together to put the beds together and all got onto the beds.

I got all the blankets and brought them over and got into the cuddle pile they had going on already.

Once we all were settled we all fall asleep together peacefully 

Word Count- 875

Hope you guys enjoyed and if you have request's leave them in the comments 

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