😠👑- I Want My Cuddles

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Ship- IwaKage

Setting- A long week of tests end and finally Kageyama can get his cuddles

Kageyama Pov

It had been a long stressful week. Every day we had a test.

It seemed like the teachers did this on purpose. None of us had any free time to do anything.

All we did was study, eat, practice, and sleep. But now it was Saturday.

Iwaizumi had come over for the weekend so that was a plus. We couldn't see each other on a regular basis since we went to different schools.

I was currently making myself some food when I heard someone come into the kitchen. I paid whoever came in no mind and continued cooking.

I jumped as I felt hands wrap around my waist. I looked over my shoulder and relaxed.

"Really?" I asked

Iwaizumi gave me a tiny smile and nods. He didn't say anything sd he cuddled into me.

I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything as I finished cooking.

"Can you get me a plate since you're gonna hang off of me?" I asked.

Iwaizumi hummed and moved slightly and got a plate down.

"Here," he said and handed me the plate.

"Thanks," I said as I grabbed the plate from him.

I plated my food and began eating it. I leaned back into Iwaizumi's chest and sighs.

"Tired?" Iwaizumi asked.

I nodded a little.

"Especially after this week," I said as I continued to eat.

"What about after you eat we go to my room and cuddle. We can even watch your favorite tv show" he said.

I looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"You never want to watch that though," I say.

"I know but we've had a stressful week and I want you to relax," he said softly.

"Fine," I said as I washed the dishes "Let's go," I said.

We went up to my room and he got the tv on as I got on the bed. I relaxed into the bed and waited for him.

Once he got on  bed I cuddled into his chest as he got the show on. I smiled as the show started and watched it.

I felt a kiss on my forehead making me blush slightly but smile. I really was lucky to have Iwaizumi as my boyfriend.

Word Count- 392

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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