👑🏐- That's Hinatas' Not Yours

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This has been in my drafts since October, and I just forgot to post it 🤦‍♂️

Hope you guys enjoy this. Also, this focuses more on Hinata than Kageyama, but he's still a part of the story.

Ship- Technically KageHina

Hinata will be grown up Chuuya in this and is dating Kageyama (but not living together currently), but Kageyama isn't Dazai just himself. Dazai is still himself and still messes with Chuuya

Setting- Hinata disappears one day during the summer between the first and second year of high school. Years down the line, the Karasuno volleyball team has a get-together, and someone unusual shows up

Hinata POV (Chuuya)

I was walking home with Dazai, followed me as I listened to his god-awful song. Honestly, does the dude ever have any other hobbies besides singing and annoying me.

Unfortunately we live together. I wish I was living with my boyfriend but currently he was away at tournaments and other volleyball related things till the beginning of the next year so he didn't want me to be lonely and let Dazai move in.

I don't even know how Kageyama and Dazai got along. They just kind of clicked when they met, which I don't know is a good thing or bad thing.

"Chuuya~, why are you ignoring my song?" Dazai asked as he pouted as I pulled out a key to our apartment.

I sighed and just rolled my eyes and didn't say anything. I opened the door and walked in as Dazai continued to pout and complain.

I took off my shoes before he paused and picked up something from the mail pile near the door.

"Oooh~ Chuuya, you got an invitation," he said with a smirk on his face.

I looked over.

"Hm? For what?" I asked and took the letter out of his hand.

"For some volleyball team meet up? You didn't tell me you do volleyball, " he said with a pout.

Does the dude ever stop complaining?

"I used to idiot. Not now, " I said and rolled my eyes as I opened the letter.

I skimmed through the invitation before I froze at the name. It said 'Chuuya' and not 'Hinata' like I thought it would.

So someone on my old team knew I had changed my name. Only Kageyama knew, or so I thought, and I know he wouldn't tell.

"Why did you freeze? Hmm, Chibi?" Dazai asked before taking the invitation out of my hand.

"Im not that short! So stop calling me Chibi, " I said with a huff, but let him read it.

Dazai seemed to notice why I froze and looked at me.

"Someone knows?" he asked seriously for once.

"I guess," I said with a shrug. " I don't know who as I didn't tell anyone."

Dazai hums and nods.

"I think you should go," he said before going to the kitchen and leaving the invitation in my hand.

I just blinked and sighed. He probably was right.

Plus, if I did go, there was a high chance that Kageyama was going too. I looked at the date, and my eyes widened.

It was for tomorrow. Why was this so short notice?

I just put the invitation down and went to the kitchen so Dazai didn't burn down the apartment. Guess I'm not going to work tomorrow.

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