🍞👑 ◇ I'm Not Needed Here

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Hope you guys like this and if you have any requests put them in the comments

Ship- OiKage

Setting- Kageyama transfers to Aoba Johsai and Karasuno doesnt know till one day

Kageyama Pov

Today is the day that I tell the team that I'm trasnfering schools.

It's not like I wanted to transfe. My mother was making me.

I dont know why. I signed as I walked into the gym.

I had my Karasuno jacket out and everyone looked confused.

I went over to Daichi before giving it to him.

"Does it not fit anymore?" he asked   confusedly.

"No... um I'm trasnfering schools" I said as everyone was shocked.

"But we're supposed to go to nationals together" Hinata shouted as I signed.

"Its not a choice Hinata. My mother is making me trasnfer" I said quietly. "This is my last day and practices with you guys" I contiuned.

"Well we gotta make this the best day ever for you then" Sugawara said.

Everyone nods and we all started practicing.

We all were joking around and not really practicing.

It was the best time of my life and at the end day we were all going to coach Ukai's store.

As Daichi bought us meatbuns we all were joking and laughing.

Hinata then looked over at me and I look at him.

"What boke?" I asked

"We will be on a team together in the future" he said seriously.

I nod "Of course" I said.

After we all went our ways I called Oikawa.

"Tobio-chan ? What do you need?" he asked as he yawned.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm transfering to Aoba Johsai tommorow Toru" I said as he gasps.

"Thats tommorow? Damn I must be studying to much" he said as I chuckled.

"Then stop studying and pay attention to me" I said with a pouty voice as i made it home.

"Fine fine. Video chat?" he asked

"Yeah give me a second" I said as I went up to my room.

Toru and I video chatted till we both fell asleep on call.

Word Count- 351

Hope you guys liked this and I might not be able to write this weekend, but I dont know yet

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