🦕👑🏐 ◇ Who Bottoms?

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I have 666 votes as I write this 

But anyway enjoy


Disclaimer- There is talk of sex so if you're uncomfortable then this chapter isn't for you

Setting- Tsukishima, Hinata, and Kageyama are all over at Kageyamas house just hanging out

Kageyama Pov

"Say that again," Tsukishima said to Hinata as I blushed.

"I said that last time me and Kageyama had sex he bottomed," Hinata said proudly as I covered my face.

"It was one time okay!?" I said through my hands.

"I just wouldn't imagine Hinata topping you Kageyama," Tsukishima said as he scrolled through his phone.

"Well it did happen," I mumbled as Hinata was bouncing in excitement.

"Kei does this mean I can top you?" he asked as Tsukishima looked up from his phone.

"Um what?" he asked in shock 

"Can I top you?" he asked innocently.

"I don't know are you any good?" he asked before he looked at me.

I rolled my eyes but signed.

"Yeah he was pretty good" I mumbled and Tsukishima nods.

"Well, maybe Shoyo," he said as Hinata jumped around as I chuckled.

"Shoyo you get excited too easily," I said through my chuckles.

"Oh shut up Kags you can't blame me," he said as he pouted.

"It's not our fault that you're cute," Tsukishima said as he went back to scrolling on his phone.

"Well Kags is cute too," Hinata said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Hey! Don't bring me into this," I said as I looked over at them.

"Mm I think Tobio's ass might be cut but him as a whole is just hot," Tsukishima said not even looking up from his phone.

I blushed more as I hide my face.

"My god, why am I dating you two?" I asked myself.

"Because you love us," Hinata said as he came over and cuddled with me.

"Yeah yeah," I said as Tsukishima soon joined in on our cuddle session.

"You two are dorks," Tsukishima said as he pulled the blanket over us.

We both just chuckled as we laid there just cuddling before they both had to leave.

Word Count- 330

As you can tell I love cuddles.

But anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this.

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