👑🚫 ◇ I'm Still Me

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Hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- No ship

Setting- During practice Kageyama can notice the shortness in his breath and tries to hold out till a break

Kageyama Pov

It was in the middle of practice and one of our breaks had finished just ten minutes ago but I could feel shortness in my breathing. I set the ball to Hinata and was panting lightly already.

That didnt happen until another ten or so minutes. I held my chest a little and my eyes widen bit.

My eyes widening  weren't noticeable to anyone unless they were specifically looking at me. I could still feel my binder on.

'Did I forget to take it off?' I asked myself as I set for Tsukishima to spike.

I was incredibly tired this morning and just threw my practice clothes on.

'Shit I need it off now' I thought as I set once again.

I looked over at the clock and saw that we didn't have break for another twenty minutes.

'What do I do?' I asked myself as no one here knew I was transgender besides the coaches for obvious reasons.

I set to Tanaka and he missed it as my set was off from me breathing a little harder now.

"Ah sorry" I mumbled trying to get my breathing to calm down.

"Its all good but are you okay? You don't look good?" He asked worredily making some of our other teammates look over.

I shake my head a little.

"No I need to sit down" I said as Tanaka nods and helps me over to where the coaches were.

He set me down on the bench and I held my chest. It had gotten progressively more painful and I knew I had to take my binder off soon if I didn't want to damage my ribs.

I look over at Coach Ukai and he nods instantly knowing what was wrong. I stood up slowly and exited the gym.

What I didnt know was that my teammates were watching the whole time. I got to the club room and stripped my shirt off and looked at my binder.

I grimaced and took it off. It took a little to get it off from my sweat.

I signed in releif once it was off and put on a sports bra. I usually wore one when I practiced.

I was lucky that I had such a space chest so that the practice shirt didn't show anything. My chest slowly stopped hurting and I put back on the shirt.

I walked back and entered and Coach Ukai looked over at me. I nodded to him and I joined practice again.

I knew the team had questions but kept them to themselves as practice contuined.

Word Count- 475

Hope you guys enjoyed this. I dont think there is any triggers but if there is tell me so that I can update the beginning.

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