👑🚫 ◇ Problems With Pronouns

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This was inspired by another fanfic I read a little while ago.

I plan on doing my hair reveal at 50k reads but is there anything special you guys want for 30 or 40k reads?


Ship- No ship

Setting- Over time Kageyama deals with a pronoun issue

Kageyama Pov

Ever since I was little I knew there was something different about me. I didnt like when ever someone referred to me as he, son, man anything like that really.

But I didnt feel like a girl either. I once tried to explain it to someone and they just blew it off.

So I kept quiet about it and just pushed it to the side. I convinced myself that I was just being silly and that I was a boy and nothing else.

It worked well for elementary and middle school and somewhat into high school. It changed one day at volleyball.

"Kageyama where is Suga?" I heard Hinata yell once he entered the gym.

"Hes over here boke" I said as Sugawara was putting up the net.

I looked over just in time to look at Hinata but stopped when I saw Sugawar flinch. I tilted my head in confusion and decided to ask him on one of breaks.

Once I was able to I went up to Sugawara and pulled him aside.

"What is it Kageyama?" He asked with a smile.

"I saw you flinch earlier. Was it something I said?" I asked worriedly.

"Oh no. I just use they/them pronouns not he/him" he- they said to me.

I mentally corrected myself as I nodded. I was a little confused but I wasn't just not gonna use whatever pronouns made Sugawra comfortable.

"Okay thank you for telling me" I said before the break ended.

I wanted to ask them more but Hinata always pulled me away for some reason.

It was later that night when Sugawara and I were just texting. I had told them before leaving the club room that I had more questions for them.

They happily agreed to answer any of the questions I had. Unless it made them uncomfortable which I understood.

'So you're nonbinary?' I texted them back.

'Yeah im neither boy nor girl. Im just Suga' they texted

'Oh' I texted them and we continued texting back.

Soon Sugawara had to go to bed but I stayed up after them. I began researching about being nonbinary and such.

Maybe I found something that explains what I've been feeling since I was little.

~Few Days Later~

Sugawara and I were sitting next to one another as we were waiting for practice to begin.

"I think I might be nonbinary to" I said quietly making Sugawra stop talking and looked at me.

They nod. "They/them pronouns to?" They asked

I nodded and smiled "Yeah thanks Suga" I said

"No problem" they said as they gave me a smile.

Word Count- 490

Hope you guys like this and maybe part 2

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