😼👑- The Mall

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I kinda wanna make a Mcyt oneshot book (update I have made one if you wanna check it out)

I also get my license tommorow so that's fun

Anyway hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- KuroKage

Setting- Kuroo and Kageyama are out on a date when they bump into someone

Kageyama Pov

I held Kuroos hand as we walked around the mall. We finally were able to go on another date.

With practice and him being in Tokyo it's hard for us to go on dates. I looked around and pulled him into another store.

We looked around for a bit before I picked up a few things. I could feel Kuroos eyes on me but I ignored it.

Soon we went to the check out and I pulled my wallet out but before I could do anything Kuroo had paid.

"I was gonna pay" I said with a pout.

"You paid for lunch. I get to pay for this" he said with a grin.

I sighed a little.

"Fineeee" I said as I dragged the word out. "If you insist" I said with a smile.

"I do" he said as he handed me the bag.

I smiled and took it and held it as we exited the store. We contuined walking around and going into other stores.

As we were walking I accidently bumped into someone.

"Sorry I wasn't watching- Hinata?" I started before I looked and saw Hinata.

He looks at me and smiles.

"Its alright and hey Kags" he said.

I smiled back as Kuroo did the same.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Im with Kenma to get his boyfriend something. I'm helping him" he said as he pointed to where Kenma was in a store buying something.

I nodded.

"Thats nice of you. We still hanging out tomorrow?" I asked

"Do you even have to ask? I'll be there around ten am" he said before waving bye and catching up with Kenma.

I waved and looked at Kuroo.

"Ready to go to your house?" I asked.

"I am. Let's go" he said and we walked out of the mall and to his car.

Word Count- 352

Hope you guys enjoyed this

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