👑🏐- The Floor Is Kinda Painful

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How the fuck did 6 days go by already since my last upload wtf

Anyway enjoy

Ship- KageHina

Setting- Hinata slips during practice

Kageyama Pov

We were having another training camp and I was taking a break. Hinata was currently over by Kuroo and Bokuto talking.

All the teams were taking a break and just chatting. I was refilling my water bottle when I he6ars a loud smack.

I looked up and frowned. I didnt see anything out of the blue.

I put the lid back on and looked up again and saw Hinata on the floor.
I rushed over and put water bottle down.

"What happened?" I asked in a hurry as Bokuto looks over at me.

"He was jumping around and we were trying to show him something when he slipped" he said with a frown.

I nodded and knelt down next to Hinata.

"You okay?" I asked worreidly.

Hinata nods as he looks at me

"Yeah it just surprised me" he said as he slowly sat up. "Nothing hurts that bad so that's good" he contuined.

I nodded and helped him up.

"You gotta be careful Sho" I said as I looked at him.

He nods a little with a smile.

"Yeah yeah I know. I was just excited" he said with a grin.

I chuckled before kissing his forehead.

"Go see what Kurro and Bokuto wanted but walk this time" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Fine mom" he said as he rolled his eyes but giggles.

I just shook my head and went back over to where I was before everything happened. I watched as Hinata walked over to Bokuto and Kuroo.

He would run sometimes and look are with grin as I just shook my head and laughed to myself

Word Count- 300

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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