👑😊 ◇ Discovered Unexpectedly

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This request by --INUOKA--
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Setting- Kageyama, and Yachi are in the library and someone catches them

Kageyama Pov

Yachi and I were in the library studying and holding hands. We had been dating for a few months now.

We kept it a secret from the team as we didn't know how they would react. It was more for Yachi but I was happy to wait for her.

"Yachi what does this mean?" I asked her as I pointed to something.

She looks over and began explaining what it meant. I smiled a little as I looked at her.

She finally looked up from explaining and blushes.

"What?" She asked softly.

"Nothing you just look cute," I said before I went back to studying.

I heard something from behind me but I paid no mind to it. Soon our lunch was over and had to go separate ways to class.

I waved bye to her and she waved back before I entered my class. I saw Yamaguchi look at me multiple times during class.

I would look at him and he would look away quickly. I just shook my head as I continued to pay attention to the lesson.

Soon classes were over and it was time for volleyball practice. I changed into the club room and went to the gym.

Once I entered everyone looked at me. I looked at everyone confused before Yamaguchi spoke up.

"When were you going to tell us?" He asked seriously.

"Tell you what?" I asked confused.

"That you're dating Yachi," he said as everyone looked at me.

I rolled my eyes a little.

"Its none of your business but Yachi didn't want to tell anyone yet," I said before grabbing a volleyball "Now let's practice"

Everyone just nodded and followed after me.

Word Count- 308

Hope you guys liked this

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