🐝👑- Birthday

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I'm officially 17 years old nowwwww

Also just got my first vaccine shot todayyyy

I'll be working on the discord server for 100k once I get back home

Anyway hope you guys enjoy this

Ship- AtsuKage

Setting- Its Kageyamas birthday

Kageyama Pov

I opened my eyes as I felt someone shake me. I groaned and swatted the hand away.

I heard someone chuckle and finally opened my eyes. I smiled once I saw my boyfriend.

"Hey sleeping beauty" he said with a grin.

"Fuck off its Sunday" I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes.

Atsumu just hummed as he grins.

"Sit up" he said

I raised an eyebrow but slowly sat up. Soon a tray was in my lap.

"You made me breakfast in bed?" I asked.

"Of course. I always do for your birthday" he said.

I smiled at him

"Thanks" I said and began eating.

"Youre welcome" he said as he just sat at on the bed.

He began taking about anything as I listened. It was calming and how I liked my birthdays.

Just us two. I knew later we had to go meet our friends but for right now this was enough.

It forever will be enough.

Word Count- 205

Sorry it's so short but I'm really tired but I hope you guys enjoyed this.

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