😠👑 ◇ Gender Crisis

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This ship was requested by officialinuoka
Hope you guys like this.

Ship- IwaKage

Disclaimer- How Kageyama is feeing is how my gender crisis felt like.

Setting- Kageyama and Iwaizumi were staying at Kageyama's house for the weekend

Kageyama Pov

Iwa is staying the weekend with me and I was really excited.

Currently I was wating for him to get here as I was texting Hinata.

He had been helping me recently with how I have been feeling.

He knows a lot about sexuality and gender.

He says that its interesting and reasearches about them.

"Demi-boy?" I asked myself once as Hinata had explained that I might be a demi-boy from how I was feeling.

'Why do you think I might be demi-boy?' I questioned him as I waited for his respond.

'Well you said that you dont wholly identify as a man.' he sent back as I mulled over it.

'Maybe I am' I texted back

'Just think about it and just tell me your pronouns when you figured it out' he sent as before going offline.

He's probably gonna play video games with Kuroo and Kenma.

I signed as I thought over it. It made since once I searched up demi-boy into Google.

I heard the door open and looked over to see Iwaizumi.

"Hey Iwa" I said as I smiled.

He turned over to see me and smiles back.

"Hey Kags. How are you?" He asked.

"I'm okay I guess" I said as I shrugged.

"Why just okay?" he asked as he sat down on the couch next to me.

"Well... I have been having a crisis for the past few days." I said as he looked at me.

"Crisis?" He asked as I nod.

"Yeah and I think I might be a demi-boy" I whispered as I squeezed my eyes shut.

I felt Iwa's hands take mine and I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"I'm proud of you Kag's. Now what are you pronouns?" He asked.

"He/they" I said quietly as he nods.

"Okay now cuddles. I haven't seen you all week" he said with a pout on his face making me chuckle.

"Okay you big baby" I said as we cuddled on the couch for hours just basking in each others presence.

Word Count- 386

Hope you guys liked this.

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