💨👑 ◇ You're Dating Someone?

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This ship was requested by ThatAnimeGay
Thank you for all the reads and votes.

Ship- UkaiKage

Disclaimer- Kageyama is aged up to 20 and already on Japans National Team

Setting- Kageyama just got back to Miyagi for a week break that he would spend with his boyfriend.

Kageyama Pov

I had just got to Miyagi where my boyfriend lives as the coaches have given us a week off before we have to go back to training.

I can't wait its been forever since I was able to see my boyfriend.

I was nearing where his store and a small smile formed on my face unintentionally.

Once I arrived I entered the store, but didnt see Keishin anywhere.

Only to see his mother and I smiled at her.

"Where is Keishin?" I asked her as she told me that he had been at the high school a lot more.

I nodded and bid her goodbye before making my way to Karasuno High School.

I'm guessing he was at the gym where the volleyball club practices.

'Did he become their coach?' I thought as I got closer to the gym.

I could hear the squeaking of their shoes as they practiced.

I remember when I was in high school and all the practice we did as a club.

I made a real family with the club and still talk to all of them today even if its hard to stay in touch because of my busy schedule.

The gym door was open so I set my bag down behind it and just leaned on it as I watche them.

All of them had amazing talent and it was relaxing to just watch them practice.

It seemed that the advisor noticed me as I put a finger over my mouth.

The advisor nods and goes back to watching the boys practice.

Before anyone could notice I saw a volleyball that was gonna head towards me.

Like I predicted the volleyball came towards me at a fast speed and all the boys looked over and held their breathes.

I caught it and spun it around in my hands as I saw Keishin look over and his breath hitched.

I walked in and smiled at everyone.

"You guys are lucky  it wasnt someone else that was standing there" I said as the club looked confused.

I then look over at Keishin and smiles more.

"Hey Keishin long time no see" I said as he nods not being able to say anythin.

"Do you know him coach?" Someone of the club asked as Keishin nods again.

"Yeah I do.." he said as then ran over to me shocking everyone and hugging me tightly.

I hugged back just as tightly as he pulled me into a kiss once again shocking everyone.

"Missed you" he whispered once we broke away from the kiss.

"I did to. I have the week off to spend with you" I said as he smiled softly at me.

"Are you guys dating?" The libero asked as Keishin looked over and blushed forgetting that everyone was here.

He signed and nods "Yes this is my boyfriend Tobio Kageyama" he said.

Everyone began cheering and congratulating us before someone came up to me.

He was short and orange hair and had a determinded look in his eyes.

"Are you the Tobio Kageyama from the Nationals Team?" he asked making me nod.

"Yeah I am planning on going to the National Team?" I asked as he nods excitedly.

"I will and become the ace." he said proudly

"Well I hope to see you in the future then..?" I said as I looked at him as I didnt get his name before now.

"Shoyo Hinata" He said as I nod.

"Then I hope to see you in the future Hinata" I said.

Before lone Keishin made everyone go back to pratice.

I stayed there with Keishin as we sat next to each other holding hands.

Word Count- 658

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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